The Science of My Life, a blog by CSI Instructor Amy Christopherson
College of Southern Idaho faculty touch the lives of thousands of children in southern and eastern Idaho as they take science activities to K-12 teachers and students.
Topics include:
- What is science? What is a project? How do you design experiments?
- The ‘Black Box’
- Science tools – microscopes, measuring tools, dissection kits, ‘germ detection’, and simple machines
- Chemistry ‘lite’ – solids, gases, atoms, moleculres, compounds
- Animals in spring – owl pellet dissection, food webs, bug collecting
- Science games
Amy Christopherson, a biology instructor heavily involved in CSI outreach, has started a blog about her outreach activities, The Science of My Life.
If you are looking for inspiration for your own science outreach, you will find it at CSI!
7th Graders working on the ‘Black Box’
4-year-old enjoying the microscopes at Rupert Elementary Family Science Night
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