Summary: Breast and prostate cancer are usually lethal as a result of the spread/metastasis of tumor cells to distant organs in the body such as lung, liver, brain, and bone. Tumor […]
Summary: Dr. Merlin White’s research interest(s) and laboratory focus is on fungi that are obligate endosymbionts of Arthropods, commonly referred to as “gut fungi”, traditionally in the class [...]
Summary: Our research focuses on using synthetic organic chemistry to help solve problems associated with the treatment of cancer. For example, one project involves synthesizing small molecule [...]
Summary: My laboratory focuses on the development of novel subunit vaccines that can be delivered orally or nasally. We use the unique adjuvant properties of bacterial toxins, such as cholera [...]
Summary: My research interests include algorithmic processes in nature. I am investigating the mechanism and capabilities of a natural molecular computing environment present in the single cell [...]
Summary: A major hurdle in the treatment of bacterial infections is the rapid emergence of microbial resistance to antibiotics. Communication between two bacteria via quorum sensing is an [...]
Summary: The clinical motor features of Parkinson’s disease (PD) arise from loss of dopaminergic (DA) neurons in the substantia nigral region of the brain. However, the molecular mechanisms [...]
Summary: My research lab investigates marine and terrestrial natural products. Projects involve cancer chemotherapy agents, prevention of atherosclerosis, development of neurotoxins as [...]
Summary: The central mission of the Northwest Tissue Mechanics laboratory is to improve the well-being of individuals and societies by addressing persistent problems in musculoskeletal health. A [...]
Summary: Under normal circumstances, blood vessels are critical for transporting various substances to and from all tissues of the body. Many human diseases however feature either excessive or [...]