This list consists of Idaho INBRE Undergraduate Fellows, Scholars, Industry Interns, and Transfer Ticket students from 2002-current.
*Fellows and Scholars lists are organized by Mentor/Host institution. Interns are listed under their Home institution.

Former & Current Students

YearPosition/RoleStudent NameMentor Name
2024FellowAbrew, MarleyEric Brown
2024FellowAngelo, EllaJavier Ochoa-Reparaz
2024FellowBaclig, AngelaStephanie Hudon
2024FellowBones, SebastianDon Warner
2024FellowCantu, CrystalAnamaria Zavala
2024FellowCarver, KaitlynSydney Boutros
2024FellowFoltz-Ahlrichs, RosieDon Warner
2024FellowFoss, ErykahJenee Cyran
2024FellowMilton, JonasAllan Albig
2024FellowMohamed, HassanKen Cornell
2024FellowMuench, MichaelDaniel Fologea
2024FellowNaftzger, JeremyEric Hayden
2024FellowPierson, KathrynCheryl Jorcyk
2024FellowPratt, TrevorBenjamin Johnson
2024FellowSprague, TessaKen Cornell
2024FellowStrix, MikaelAllison Simler-Williamson
2023FellowBaclig, Angela JasmineJen Forbey
2023FellowFors, KatherineTrevor Lujan
2023FellowMartin, MaxwellDon Warner
2023FellowPierson, KathrynCheryl Jorcyk
2023FellowRood, StephanieKen Cornell
2023FellowSmith, AvianaDaniel Fologea
2023Industry InternGallegos, TateStephanie Hudon
2023RAIN Fellow (Nevada)Dircio, Yajahira (Nevada)Tracy Yarnell
2022FellowBeard, Courtney (BSU)Lisa Warner
2022FellowCaposio, Alexia (BSU)Don Warner
2022FellowFalkner, Kaden (CWI)Ken Cornell
2022FellowFeci, Andrea (BSU)Don Warner
2022FellowFinn, Pangaea (BSU)Daniel Fologea
2022FellowGiwa, Tawakalitu (CWI)Tyler Brown
2022FellowJude, Seamus (BSU)Shin Pu
2022FellowKoch, Taylor (BSU)Ken Cornell
2022FellowMcCown, Katherine (LCSC)Jen Forbey
2022FellowMorenas, Benjamin (UI)Uzer, Gunes
2022FellowStribling, Mikael (CWI)Eric Hayden
2022FellowTorgerson, Halle (BSU)Lisa Warner
2022FellowTran, Ashley (BSU)Don Warner
2022FellowWatkins, Elysia (BSU)Cynthia Curl
2022RAIN Fellow (Montana)Garden, Emily (Montana)Owen McDougal
2022RAIN FellowSmith, Aviana (BSU)Nevada INBRE
2022RAIN Fellow (Wyoming)Walgren, Annie (Wyoming)Juliette Tinker
2021FellowAl Janabi, Roz (BSU)Clare Fitzpatrick
2021FellowCotten, Kalynn (BSU)Ken Cornell
2021FellowFeci, Andrea (BSU)Don Warner
2021FellowJackson, Maddelyn (BSU)Eric Brown
2021FellowLeach, Caleb (BSU)Ken Cornell
2021FellowMcKinney, Fulton (BSU)Daniel Fologea
2021FellowNikitina, Nina (BSU)Gunes Uzer
2021FellowRyner, Kaelee (BSU)Eric Hayden
2021FellowShaffer, Cole (BSU)Eric Brown
2021FellowSheldon, Serena (BSU)Lisa Warner
2021FellowWagner, Julie (BSU)Ken Cornell
2021RAIN FellowRobinett, Matthew (BSU)Montana INBRE
2020FellowBrodock, Colton (BSU)Ken Cornell
2020FellowCinello-Smith (CWI)Clare Fitzpatrick
2020FellowEllison, Brianna (BSU)Cynthia Curl
2020FellowGrant, Haylie (BSU)Cheryl Jorcyk
2020FellowHarrison, Nathan (BSU)Ken Cornell
2020FellowHarvey, Sareya (BSU)Tyler Brown
2020FellowKnudson, Luke (BSU)Jeunghoon Lee
2020FellowRushing, Brittany (BSU)Lisa Warner
2020FellowSasso, Abigail (BSU)Marie-Anne de Graaff
2020FellowSeale, Jared (BSU)Owen McDougal
2019FellowAguilar, Fernando (BSU)Ken Cornell
2019FellowCoughlin, Grace (BSU)Don Warner
2019FellowClayton, Jeremy (BYU-I)Eric Brown
2019FellowFarris, Katie (UI)Clare Fitzpatrick
2019FellowGrantham, Briana (BSU)Lisa Warner
2019FellowPoe, Aidan (BSU)Eric Hayden
2019FellowRushing, Brittany (BSU)Benjamin Johnson
2019RAIN Fellow (Wyoming)Tyrell, Tabitha (Wyoming)Brad Morrison
2018FellowHawley, Jordan (CWI)Merlin White
2018FellowHorvath, Eli Bring (BSU)Cheryl Jorcyk
2018FellowHoward, Vanessa (BSU)Estrada
2018FellowKarriem, Lynn (BSU)Gunes Uzer
2018FellowLeckenby, Zach (BSU)Jen Forbey
2018FellowMcAllister, Jessica (BSU)Beard
2018FellowPollock, Tanner (BSU)Hayden
2018FellowRanck, Sadie (BSU)Julie Heath
2018FellowSmith, Tyler (BSU)Ken Cornell
2018FellowWagner, Julie (CWI)Ken Cornell
2018Industry InternMohammad Mousa, OmidBurst Biologics
2018RAIN Fellow (Wyoming)Schroder, Jim (Wyoming)Juliette Tinker
2017FellowBertagnolli, Kynna (BSU)Ken Cornell
2017FellowBonner, Christopher (BSU)Jeunghoon Lee
2017FellowClingerman, Jenna (BSU)Jim Browning
2017FellowGrantham, Briana (CWI)Lisa Warner
2017FellowGreiner, Daniel (BSU)Cheryl Jorcyk
2017FellowHansen, Brenda (CWI)Don Warner
2017FellowHarper, Dallen (BYU-I)Ken Cornell
2017FellowMiller, Carlee (BSU)Clare Fitzpatrick
2017FellowNick, Steve (BSU)Xinzhu Pu
2017FellowOe, Emily (BSU)Brad Morrison
2017FellowRostron, Sara (BSU)Don Warner
2017FellowSall, Caitlin (BSU)Daniel Fologea
2017FellowThomson-Vogel, Orion (BSU)Juliette Tinker
2017FellowWard, Jason (CWI)Don Warner
2016FellowAtkins, Titus (CWI)Jim Browning
2016FellowBuckmiller, Micah (BSU)Ferguson
2016FellowChapman, Kristina (BSU)Juliette Tinker
2016FellowFothergill, Jenny (BSU)Owen McDougal
2016FellowHosek, Lauren (BSU)Don Warner
2016FellowKallenberger, Ashlee (BSU)Cheryl Jorcyk
2016FellowKeetch, Christian (ISU)Nagarajan
2016FellowLai, Nathan (BSU)Morrison
2016FellowPalencia, Esteban (ISU)Hayden
2016FellowStadlbauer, Justin (BSU)Cantley
2016FellowYocham, Katie (BSU)Trevor Lujan
2015FellowAlbright, Joshua (BSU)Brad Morrison
2015FellowBrown, Peter (BSU)Matt Ferguson
2015FellowD'az, Samantha (BSU)Kurtis Cantley
2015FellowDillon, Mathew (BSU)Cheryl Jorcyk
2015FellowGoods, Briea (LCSC)Jennifer Forbey
2015FellowGowan, Cody (BSU)Kristen Mitchell
2015FellowKelly-Slatten, Megan (BSU)Ken Cornell
2015FellowKulm, Hannah (BSU)Don Warner
2015FellowMcDaid, Lauren (BSU)Daniel Fologea
2015FellowRichmond, Connor (BSU)Juliette Tinker
2015FellowRosell, Brandon (BYU-I)Ken Cornell
2015FellowVolz, Lillian (BSU)Eric Brown
2015RAIN Fellow (Montana)Csik, Ilona (Montana)Raj Nagarajan
2014FellowAdams, Austin (CWI)Cheryl Jorcyk
2014FellowBarlow, Jeffrey (BSU)Eric Brown
2014FellowBrowning, Landon (BSU)Jennifer Forbey
2014FellowCollet, James (BSU)Eric Hayden
2014FellowCrow, Jacob (BSU)Allan Albig
2014FellowDossett, Christopher (BSU)Ken Cornell
2014FellowJames, Lauren (LCSC)Jennifer Forbey
2014FellowLamichhane, Roshani (BSU)Trevor Lujan
2014FellowPerkins, Daniel (BSU)Kristen Mitchell
2014FellowRoell, Cody (BSU)Don Warner
2014FellowRogers, Laura (BSU)Juliette Tinker
2014FellowSchimpf, Jacob (CWI)Juliette Tinker
2014FellowScott, Hannah (BSU)Cheryl Jorcyk
2014FellowWagner, Brandon (BSU)Brad Morrison
2013FellowBrecht, Ryan (BSU)Raj Nagarajan
2013FellowDeFord, Peter (BSU)Allan Albig
2013FellowGause, Justin (BSU)Merlin White
2013FellowGoldsberry, Jessica (BSU)Minoti Hiremath
2013FellowMurray, Kyle (CSI)
2013FellowOlivas, Daniela (BSU)Ken Cornell
2013FellowReeves, Ryan (BSU)Don Warner
2013FellowRehn, Sarah (BSU)Jeunghoon Lee
2013FellowStojkovska, Iva (BSU)Cheryl Jorcyk
2012FellowBarnes, PeteDon Warner
2012 FellowBates, TylerMinoti Hiremath
2012FellowBoll, MeaganKen Cornell
2012FellowClark, TylerNano Tech Group
2012 FellowHicks, JamieCheryl Jorcyk
2012FellowJeffries, ShandraJuliette Tinker
2012FellowJohnson, KeithKristen Mitchell
2012FellowMendenhall, CadeRaj Nagarajan
2012FellowWalsh, JonByung Kim
2012FellowWarner, MarlenaMarion Scheepers
2011FellowClark, Reilly (BSU)Byung Kim
2011FellowFoster, Mark (BSU)Julie Heath
2011FellowHall, Amy (BSU)Ken Cornell
2011FellowKandel, Prasanna (BSU)Merlin White
2011FellowMecham, Shannon (NIC)Don Warner
2011FellowMinick, Jamie (BSU)Kristen Mitchell
2011FellowOsterkamp, Patrick (BSU)Jennifer Forbey
2011FellowPurnell, Glen (BSU)Bernard Yurke
2011FellowShaw, Ian (BSU)Eric Brown
2011FellowShaw, Rance (BSU)Danny Xu
2011ScholarBarney, Corey (CSI)
2011ScholarClark, Tyler
2011Scholarde Blaqueire, Wendy (NIC)
2011ScholarHall, Eric (NIC)
2011ScholarKirkendall, Samantha (NIC)
2011ScholarMariann, Quinn Jose (NIC)
2011ScholarRomero, Francisco (CSI)
2010FellowAmouzougan, Eva (BSU)Kristen Mitchell
2010FellowDaniels, Jeremy (BSU)Don Warner
2010FellowEmpey, Kimberly (ISU)Juliette Tinker
2010FellowHuttanus, Bert (BSU)Jeunghoon Lee
2010FellowIngalls, Benjamin (BSU)Eric Brown
2010FellowMinick, Jessica (BSU)Will Hughes
2010FellowSevy, Christeena (CoI)Julie Heath
2010FellowSkogsberg, Madison (CoI)Henry Charlier
2010FellowSutherland, Caleb (BSU)Cheryl Jorcyk
2010ScholarAguayo, Ricky (CSI)
2010ScholarCalton, Emily (NIC)
2010ScholarClark, Reilly
2010ScholarConnaway, Andrew (NIC)
2010ScholarHaug, Tyler (NIC)
2010ScholarMechem, Shannon (NIC)
2010ScholarWalsh, Jonathan (CSI)
2009FellowBarnes, Stephanie (BSU)Will Hughes
2009FellowCox, AmberBernie Yurke
2009FellowCsizmar, CliffDon Warner
2009FellowEdwards, Hannah (NIC)
2009FellowHenderson, JonathanBill Knowlton
2009FellowHildenbrand, JenniferDon Warner
2009FellowHo, TungCheryl Jorcyk
2009FellowJaderholm, BenjaminJuliette Tinker
2009FellowKnippel, ReeceKen Cornell
2009FellowLamb, Cheri (BSU)Kristen Mitchell
2009FellowWhite, AutumnHenry Charlier
2009FellowWoodbury, Luke (BSU)Owen McDougal
2009ScholarBaines, Sean (NIC)
2009ScholarKimm, Heather (NIC)
2008FellowBeech, Zach (NNU)Tim Anderson
2008FellowEgbert, Daniel (BYU-I)Ken Cornell
2008FellowForhan, Jacquelyn (BSU)Michelle Sabick
2008FellowHenderson, Jonathan (BSU)Bill Knowlton
2008FellowJackson, Kara (BSU)Cheryl Jorcyk
2008FellowLaky, DevinTim Zhang
2008FellowMcHail, KatherineDon Warner
2008FellowSullivan, Mallory (BSU)Eric Brown
2008FellowWoodbury, LukeJulia Oxford
2008FellowZemp, Logan (BYU-I)Owen McDougal
2008ScholarBroden, Sarah (NIC)
2008ScholarEdwards, Hannah (NIC)
2008ScholarFree, Caitlyn (NIC)
2008ScholarRush, Bryne (NIC)
2008ScholarZabka, Ashley (NIC)
2007FellowAllen, Kate
2007FellowBall, Katherine
2007FellowBarnhart, Emily
2007FellowDiebels, Bryan
2007FellowFlaherty, Briana
2007FellowOrmond, Andrew
2007FellowSchimpf, Alina
2007FellowSonius, Chelsea
2007FellowYoung, Lisa
2007ScholarCrawford, Emily (NIC)
2007ScholarHansen, Tiffany (NIC)
2007ScholarStrain, Christopher (NIC)
2007ScholarKee, Kelly (NIC)
2006FellowBeech, Zachary (NNU)Amit Jain
2006FellowDufty, Brian (BSU)Troy Rohn
2006FellowIsom, Chelsea (BSU)Henry Charlier
2006FellowKelly, Tamara (BSU)Henry Charlier
2006FellowMontgomery, Jamie (BSU)Don Warner
2006FellowRice, Jennifer (BSU)Byung Kim
2006FellowRivas, Alonzo (BSU)Juliette Tinker
2006FellowRudyi, Andrei (BSU)Ken Cornell
2006FellowWong, Wee Seng (BSU)Kevin Feris
2006ScholarBarley, Stephanie (NIC)
2006ScholarGonzalez, Machele (NIC)
2006ScholarZebedo, Katherine (NIC)
2005FellowHa, Kwang ho (BYU-I)Troy Rohn
2005FellowHeuman, Zachary (BSU)Knowlton
2005FellowHodzic, Alma (BSU)Wingett
2005FellowIsom, Chelsea (BSU)Ken Cornell
2005FellowLiby, Christopher (BSU)Don Warner
2005FellowOler, Andrew (BSU)Cheryl Jorcyk
2005FellowRivas, Alonzo (BSU)Juliette Tinker
2005FellowSlupe, Andrew (BSU)Henry Charlier
2005ScholarBauer, Matt (NIC)
2005ScholarCarter, Luke (NIC)
2005ScholarDurrant, Julie (NIC)
2004FellowBarton, Desiree (CoI)James Smith
2004FellowCatherman, Brady (BSU)Joe Guarino
2004FellowCoonse, Kendra (CoI)Cheryl Jorcyk
2004FellowElliott, Matthew K. (BSU)Troy Rohn
2004FellowFife, Brian (NNU)Marcelo Serpe
2004FellowFuckso, Viola (UI)Jeff Jessing
2004FellowGurney, Michael (BYU-I)Gambliel
2004FellowHays, Burke (CoI)Denise Wingett
2004FellowHeadly, Mark (BSU)Denise Wingett
2004FellowHibberd, Amber (BSU)Don Warner
2004FellowLang, Braden (UI)Henry Charlier
2004FellowMcCune, Rohn (BSU)Julia Oxford
2004FellowOler, AndrewCheryl Jorcyk
2003FellowAmyx, Kencee (CoI)Cheryl Jorcyk
2003FellowCaldwell, Theodora (BSU)Frank Lamelas
2003FellowCole, Jennifer (BSU)William Knowlton
2003FellowFigueredo, Elizabeth (NNU)Troy Rohn
2003FellowFry, Ethan (BSU)Susan Shadle
2003FellowGluch, Amanda (CoI)Michelle Sabick
2003FellowGoyal, AyushJoe Guarino
2003FellowHibberd, Amber (BSU)Don Warner
2003FellowIrwin, KateyJulia Oxford
2003FellowKuhlman, SethAmy Moll
2003FellowPegg, SaroMarcelo Serpe
2003FellowPhanthavady, Thongphanh (CoI)Alex Punnoose
2003FellowRogow, Amanda (BSU)Henry Charlier
2003FellowWayne, Judy (BSU)Stephen Tennyson
2002FellowBarrios, YvetteJulia Oxford & Ron Pfeiffer
2002FellowIrwin, KateyJulia Oxford
2002FellowKessinger, StephenTroy Rohn
2002FellowMercer, WendySusan Shadle
2002FellowQueen, MarisaCheryl Jorcyk
YearPosition/RoleStudent NameMentor Name
2024RAIN FellowBartschi, AndyMontana INBRE
2023Industry InternAldhair Garcia, ElvisIdaho National Laboratory
2011ScholarMunns, Ryan
2011ScholarSaurey, Tate
2010ScholarCox, Robert
2010ScholarSaylor, Stephanie
2010ScholarSpencer, Micah
2010ScholarWellman, Andria
2009ScholarCady, Joshua
2009ScholarChristensen, Brian
2009ScholarMarsden, Greg
2008ScholarCraven, Nicki
2004ScholarBrower, Adam
2004ScholarDrake, Jory
2004ScholarHarris, Alyse
2004ScholarPacker, Nicholas
2003ScholarRowberry, Tauni
Year Position/RoleStudent NameMentor Name
2024FellowBrewer, CassandraSarah Wicher
2024FellowMidgley, EllenSarah Wicher
2024FellowOlvera, RubyLuke Daniels
2024FellowTroxel, ColtonLuke Daniels
2024RAIN FellowOngouala, Paule Darlie (CoI)Hawaii INBRE
2024RAIN FellowManirakiza, Daniella (CoI)Montana INBRE
2023FellowConnor, MollyThomas Pirtle
2023FellowLeblanc, AlexanderWendy Harvey
2023FellowManirakiza, Daniella (CoI)Wendy Harvey
2023FellowNixon, TrinityThomas Pirtle
2023FellowSweeney, MauraWendy Harvey
2023FellowTroxel, ColtonWendy Harvey
2023RAIN FellowHoffman, Fawn (CoI)Montana INBRE - Chelsea Heveran
2022FellowBadger, PeytonJohn Thurston
2022FellowConnor, Molly (CoI)Thomas Pirtle
2022FellowCunningham, Bailey (CoI)Thomas Pirtle
2022FellowEpley, AlyssaJohn Thurston
2022FellowMicah, Peter (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2022FellowNixon, Trinity (CoI)Luke Daniels
2022FellowNurkovic, Ahmed (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2021FellowAlftealh, Rosol (CoI)Thomas Pirtle
2021FellowCunningham, Bailey (CoI)Thomas Pirtle
2021FellowMark, Patric (CoI)Thomas Pirtle
2021FellowMize, Zachary (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2021FellowSuzuki, Reannon (CoI)Thomas Pirtle
2021FellowWood, Trinidy (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2020FellowCoyle, Cameron (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2020FellowHawley, Mitchel (CoI)Thomas Pirtle
2020FellowMark, Patrick (CoI)Thomas Pirtle
2020FellowMdluli, Thandiswa (CoI)Thomas Pirtle
2020FellowWood, Trinidy (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2019FellowCoyle, Cameron (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2019FellowCraig, Kathryn (CoI)Thomas Pirtle
2019FellowFox, Shanaya (CoI)Luke Daniels
2019FellowMerges, Colton (CoI)Thomas Pirtle
2019FellowThurston, Calysta (CoI)Luke Daniels
2019FellowWestendorf, Malinda (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2019RAIN FellowVillarreal, Maddie (CoI)Montana INBRE
2018FellowBartlett, Emily (CoI) Thomas Pirtle
2018FellowCervantes, Marcos (CoI)John Thurston
2018FellowFox, Shanaya (CoI)Luke Daniels
2018FellowHamilton, Tucker (CoI)John Thurston
2018FellowHernandez Hernandez, Jesus Daniel (CoI)Thomas Pirtle
2018FellowKoshkimbayeva, Azhar (CoI)John Thurston
2018FellowMerges, Colton (CoI)Carolyn Dadabay
2018FellowTavener, Amber (CoI)Luke Daniels
2018FellowVillareal, Maddie (CoI)Sara Heggland
2018FellowWavreil, Florence (CoI)Sara Heggland
2018FellowWhitehead, Lilly (CoI)Carolyn Dadabay
2017FellowBoyd, Hailey (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2017FellowByce, Jason (CoI)Carolyn Dadabay
2017FellowKelly, Courtney (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2017FellowLete, Isabela (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2017FellowMcLaughlin, Quinlan (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2017FellowOtero, Claire (CoI)Sara Heggland
2017FellowQuintana, Dylan (CoI)John Thurston
2017FellowTang, Miranda (CoI)John Thurston
2017FellowTemple, Hunter (CoI)Carolyn Dadabay
2017FellowVitale-Sullivan, Molly (CoI)John Thurston
2017FellowWavreil, Florence (CoI)Sara Heggland
2016FellowChambers, Hailey (CoI)Sara Heggland
2016FellowFerrell, Cassidy (CoI)Carolyn Dadabay
2016FellowGayner, Shawn (CWI)Carolyn Dadabay
2016FellowGigray, Frank (CoI)John Thurston
2016FellowMaggard, Steven (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2016FellowMartin, Micaela (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2016FellowNoeker, Jacob (CoI)Sara Heggland
2016FellowPhelps, Megan (CoI)Luke Daniels
2016FellowTang, Miranda (CoI)John Thurston
2016FellowVieira Monteiro de Barros, Joao (CoI)Luke Daniels
2015FellowBrown, Mary (CoI)Sara Heggland
2015FellowConner, Deborah (CoI)Carolyn Dadabay
2015FellowDunn, David (CWI)Luke Daniels
2015FellowHill, Nolan (CoI)Luke Daniels
2015FellowHoang, Hana (CoI)Carolyn Dadabay
2015FellowNguyen, Brandon (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2015FellowNoeker, Jacob (CoI)Sara Heggland
2015FellowNosworthy, Sophia (CoI)Carolyn Dadabay
2015FellowSmith, Brandon (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2015FellowStrong, Averey (CoI)Luke Daniels
2015FellowTang, Miranda (CoI)John Thurston
2015FellowWayment, Lacey (CoI)John Thurston
2014FellowBarrett, Rainier (CoI)John Thurston
2014FellowErstad, Patrick (CoI)John Thurston
2014FellowFrench, John (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2014FellowHansen, Jessica (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2014FellowNguyen, Brandon (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2014Fellow Tachick, Shandee (CoI)Luke Daniels
2014FellowWayment, Lacey (CoI)John Thurston
2013FellowErstad, Patrick (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2013FellowGerrish, Cavan (CoI)John Thurston
2013FellowGomez, Diana (CoI)Carolyn Dadabay
2013FellowGoodwin, Matthew (CoI)Sara Heggland
2013FellowHolt, Danielle (CoI)Sara Heggland
2013FellowHunter, Necia (CoI)John Thurston
2013FellowLIneberger, Connor (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2013FellowNguyen, Andrew (CoI)Carolyn Dadabay
2012FellowDrager, DaynaSara Heggland
2012FellowEckert, KaitlynCarolyn Dadabay
2012FellowGerrish, CavenJohn Thurston
2012 FellowHolden, LauraMark Gunderson
2012FellowHunter, NeciaJohn Thurston
2012FellowNowak, ZacharyMark Gunderson
2012FellowWaddell, ParkerCarolyn Dadabay
2012FellowWright, DannenSara Heggland
2011FellowGarner, John (CoI)John Thurston
2011FellowHa, Thao (CoI)Sara Heggland
2011FellowMitchell, Nate (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2011FellowNoblit, Nedra (CoI)Carolyn Dadabay
2011FellowPatton, Jessica (CoI)Carolyn Dadabay
2011FellowSmith, Levi (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2011FellowWeese, Jon (CoI)John Thurston
2011FellowWright, Whitney (Shea) (CoI)Sara Heggland
2010FellowBarnes, JessicaJohn Thurston
2010FellowJesser, KelseyMark Gunderson
2010FellowKobic, EmirCarolyn Dadabay
2010FellowPatton, JessicaCarolyn Dadabay
2010FellowPickett, MelissaMark Gunderson
2010FellowSimmonds, MichelleSara Heggland
2010FellowSmith, AmandaJohn Thurston
2010ScholarGarner, JT
2009FellowChristensen, Cody (CoI)Sara Heggland
2009FellowFiler, Dayne (CoI)Sara Heggland
2009FellowKobic, Emir (CoI)Carolyn Dadabay
2009FellowMartin, Justin (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2009FellowSmith, Amanda (CoI)John Thurston
2009FellowStucker, Kimberly (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2009FellowValenzuela, ErickCarolyn Dadabay
2009FellowWest, Jeremy (CoI)John Thurston
2009ScholarSkogsberg, Madison
2008FellowBarrientos, Paula (CoI)Dadabay/Thurston
2008FellowDelana, Lauren (CoI)Heggland/Gunderson
2008FellowHaggard, Derik (CoI)Heggland/Dadabay
2008FellowKline, Rand (CoI)Mark Gunderson
2008FellowWest, Jeremy (CoI)John Thurston
2008ScholarMyers, Joshua
2007FellowArbon, Kate
2007FellowArlian, Britni
2007FellowBurke, Colin
2007FellowMcCartney, Ashley
2007ScholarMurgoitio, Jacob
2006FellowBlanksma, Megan (CoI)Peter Craig
2006FellowErstad, Derek (CoI)Arthur Ayers
2006FellowHumphries, Paris (CoI)Peter Craig
2006FellowHunt, Lindsey (CoI)Sara Heggland
2006FellowReimers, April (CoI)Arthur Ayers
2006FellowRodriguez, Jackeline (CoI)Sara Heggland
2005FellowFrost, Shalimar (CoI)Sara Heggland
2005FellowLinn, Erik (CSI)Bearden
2005FellowMorrison, Elizabeth (CoI)Sara Heggland
2005FellowSchnadt, Laurelei (CoI)Ayers
2005FellowSilva, Tilak (CoI)Craig
2005FellowWells, Sarah (CoI)Ayers
2005FellowZhukalin, Mikhail (BSU)Craig
2005ScholarMachynia, Kyle
2003ScholarMcGrath, Neill
2003ScholarUpton, Sally
YearPosition/RoleStudent NameMentor Name/Internship Location
2024FellowEdgar, SashaErik Wenniger - UI Kimberly
2024Industry Intern Goodin, BrysonUSDA Irrigation and Soils Research
2024Industry Intern Nielsen, JoshuaTwin Falls County Pest Abatement
2024Industry Intern Snarr, HannahGlanbia
2024Industry Intern Speirs, JaimenAmalgamated Research Inc
2024Industry Intern Sperry, CamilleArtisan Labs
2024ScholarRamirez, IngridJoseph Gardner
2023Industry InternFranklin, AaronArtisan Labs
2023Industry InternHine, WilliamUSDA-ARS-Kimberly
2023Industry InternReigh, LexusTwin Falls City Pest Abatement District
2023Industry InternRollins, JulietteUSDA-ARS-Kimberly
2023Industry InternSinnott, NathanielAmalgamated Research Inc
2023Industry InternStevens, LydiaGlanbia
2022Industry InternGraff, JeremiahArtisan Labs
2022Industry InternJones, JordanUSDA-ARS-Kimberly
2022Industry InternMauricio, ShariGlanbia
2022Industry InternStaker, LexingtonTwin Falls County Pest Abatement District
2022Industry InternWeisgerber, CorinnaAmalgamated Research Inc
2021Industry InternCamacho, AngelicaTwin Falls Pest Abatement District
2021Industry InternGraff, JulieLand View
2021Industry InternKimball, KiairaAmalgamated Research Inc
2021Industry InternLy, JessicaGlanbia
2021Industry InternStonebraker, BaileyArtisan Labs
2019Industry InternGranados, AntonioTwin Falls Pest Abatement District
2019Industry InternMoon, CooperAmalgamated Research Inc
2019Industry InternPerron, JessicaTwin Falls Waste Water Treatment Plant
2019Industry InternSantos, CoraUSDA-ARS-Kimberly
2019ScholarCotton, Kaylynn (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2019ScholarJoyce, Kayla (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2019ScholarSihipanya, Alvin (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2018Industry InternCowan, Jonathan Spencer (CSI)Twin Falls Pest Abatement District
2018Industry InternHenry, Brandi (CSI)Neibling Environmental Consulting
2018Industry InternKraus, Chandler (CSI)Idaho Food Quality Assurance Lab
2018Industry InternScott, Emma (CSI)Waste Water Treatment Plant
2018ScholarDayton, Topher (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2018ScholarDixon, Bridget (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2018ScholarMulliniks, Charlotte (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2018ScholarOrban, Theresa (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2018ScholarSihipanya, Alvin (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2017Industry InternAsher, Danica (CSI)Waste Water Treatment Plant
2017Industry InternContreras, M. Christina (CSI)Twin Falls Pest Abatement District
2017Industry InternHaney, Reagan (CSI)UI Research & Extension Center - Kimberly
2017Industry InternHerrera-Gutierrez, Jeremy (CSI)USDA-ARS-Kimberly
2017ScholarCarpenter, Chelsea (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2017ScholarMyrhe, Rylee (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2016Industry InternBartlett, Arianna (CSI)UI Aquaculture Research Institute - Powell Lab
2016Industry InternHigbee, Eric (CSI)USDA-ARS-Kimberly
2016Industry InternSmith, Amanda (CSI)Twin Falls County Pest Abatement District
2016ScholarBurrows, Kali (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2016ScholarJarvis, Megan (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2015Industry InternBernabe, Mayra (CSI)Twin Falls County Pest Abatement District
2015Industry InternRasmussen, Lily (CSI)Dept of Environmental Quality
2015Industry InternReynolds, Susan (CSI)Dept of Environmental Quality
2015Industry InternWillis, Jasmine (CSI)Idaho Fish and Game
2014Industry InternBlay, Erika (CSI)USDA-ARS-Kimberly
2014Industry InternNowak, Isaac (CSI)Glanbia
2014ScholarBradshaw, Chelsey (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2014ScholarKestle, Jeremy (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2013ScholarHartmann, Christina (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2013ScholarSchofield, Landon (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2012ScholarDel Real, Dalila (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2012ScholarSchofield, Landon (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2012ScholarWalton, Mary (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2012ScholarWaddell, Justin (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2011ScholarHardy, Deena (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2011ScholarMartinez, Vangie (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2011ScholarMendenhall, Cade (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2011ScholarOlmos, Celeste (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2010ScholarAndersen, Eli (CSI)Jan Simpkin & Randy Smith
2010ScholarBastian, Cassandra (CSI)
2010ScholarFroerer, Tristan (CSI)
2010ScholarMartinez, Richard (CSI)
2009ScholarDuffin, Whitney
2009ScholarKelsey, Shane
2009ScholarNutsch, Lindsey
2008ScholarHosman, Tia
2008ScholarHuttanus, Bert
2008ScholarPackham, Aaron
2008ScholarZietzke, Amber
2007ScholarBolton, James
2007ScholarEgbert, Whitney
2007ScholarOlsen, Amber
2007ScholarThompson, Elizabeth
2007ScholarTucker, Misty
2006ScholarAndrews, Katie
2006ScholarCastillo, Leigh
2006ScholarCortes, Joel
2006ScholarEssma, Angela
2006ScholarHeatwole, Justin
2006ScholarPothier, Diana
2005ScholarHarmon, Jennifer
2005ScholarKern, Nikki
2005ScholarJames, Bruce
2005ScholarMaughn, Jerilyn
2005ScholarPeterson, Nicole
2004ScholarBonader, Jeremy
2004ScholarLogsden, Jason
2004ScholarPadron, Anna
2004ScholarTrue, Claudia
2003ScholarCrandall, Kasey
2003ScholarTrue, Claudia
YearPosition/RoleStudent NameMentor Name
2024Industry Intern Calderon, YuritziID Dept of Fish & Game - Eagle Fish Genetics Lab
2024Industry Intern Griffith, MarkID Dept of Fish & Game - Eagle Fish Genetics Lab
2024ScholarBianco, GiannaElise Connor
2024ScholarGibson, BrittanyElise Connor
2024ScholarKohtz, KieraElise Connor
2024ScholarLattin, EmmaElise Connor
2024ScholarMarsh, JacksonElise Connor
2024ScholarMiller, MadelynElise Connor
2024ScholarSparks, RachelElise Connor
2024ScholarValdibieso, RaquelElise Connor
2023ScholarBarr, CeciliaSuzanne Oppenheimer
2023ScholarCastell, DominiqueSuzanne Oppenheimer
2023ScholarDecrevel, AlyssaSuzanne Oppenheimer
2023ScholarGates, MeganSuzanne Oppenheimer
2023ScholarJohnson, ElliotSuzanne Oppenheimer
2023ScholarKamengele, NeemaSuzanne Oppenheimer
2023ScholarKlamt, JocielyneSuzanne Oppenheimer
2023ScholarSwain, RebeccaSuzanne Oppenheimer
2022ScholarManzon, EmilySuzanne Oppenheimer
2022ScholarMcKenna, RachelSuzanne Oppenheimer
2022ScholarNettles, JamaraSuzanne Oppenheimer
2022ScholarNielson, ZowieSuzanne Oppenheimer
2022ScholarO'Brien, AdenSuzanne Oppenheimer
2022ScholarPaquette, JohnSuzanne Oppenheimer
2022ScholarWang, LiyaSuzanne Oppenheimer
2021ScholarFelton, KariSuzanne Oppenheimer
2021ScholarFlorance, WhitneySuzanne Oppenheimer
2021ScholarHerrera, JenniferSuzanne Oppenheimer
2021ScholarLa Follette, AlexandraSuzanne Oppenheimer
2021ScholarMartinez, PatriciaSuzanne Oppenheimer
2021ScholarMikus, AubrySuzanne Oppenheimer
2021ScholarStribling, MikaelaSuzanne Oppenheimer
2019ScholarBeers, BrittanySuzanne Oppenheimer
2019ScholarCarr, ZoeySuzanne Oppenheimer
2019ScholarCarter, ElizabethSuzanne Oppenheimer
2019ScholarHolmes, CristianaSuzanne Oppenheimer
2019ScholarMohamed, AbdirahmanSuzanne Oppenheimer
2019ScholarSweet, BrandiSuzanne Oppenheimer
2019ScholarWatson, CharitySuzanne Oppenheimer
2019ScholarWoodworth, RileySuzanne Oppenheimer
2018ScholarBaruth, KimberlySuzanne Oppenheimer
Beck, JoannaSuzanne Oppenheimer
2018ScholarBordenkircher, CindySuzanne Oppenheimer
2018ScholarDockery, AllisonSuzanne Oppenheimer
2018ScholarHardy, EthanSuzanne Oppenheimer
2018ScholarKeen, MichelleSuzanne Oppenheimer
2018ScholarMunro, LaurenSuzanne Oppenheimer
2018ScholarNaples, HugoSuzanne Oppenheimer
2018ScholarRodriguez, JanelleSuzanne Oppenheimer
2017ScholarAlaska, DelorisSuzanne Oppenheimer
2017ScholarHartman, BreeSuzanne Oppenheimer
2017ScholarJackson, KimmerSuzanne Oppenheimer
2017ScholarPalencia, PaolaSuzanne Oppenheimer
2017ScholarShaffer, ColeSuzanne Oppenheimer
2017ScholarTheriault, HannahSuzanne Oppenheimer
2017ScholarWagner, JulieSuzanne Oppenheimer
2017ScholarWescott, GabrielleSuzanne Oppenheimer
2014FellowRanko, Danielle (CWI)Nicole Frank
YearPosition/RoleStudent NameMentor Name
2024FellowAnderson, MadeLynnHeather Ray/Devaleena Pradhan
2024FellowGarcia, Aldhair (BYU-I)Lizbeth de la Cruz Ramirez
2024FellowHendricks, ShannonJulia Martin
2024FellowJager, LaurenJoshua Pak
2024FellowLe, TravisLeslie Nickerson
2024FellowMishra, NeelamKavita Sharma
2024FellowNielson, JulianneKinta Serve
2024FellowPeters, LivMichele Brumley
2024FellowPrien, BriannaErin Rasmussen
2024FellowPuentes Navarro, DanielMichael Thomas
2024FellowVanDeren, RochelleDevaleena Pradhan
2024FellowYu, Louella NoreenDannu Xu
2023FellowBarlow, AaronJoshua Pak
2023FellowChristy, XavierJason Pilarski
2023FellowCortez, DianaMichele Brumley
2023FellowHayden, AngelaSrinath Pashikanti
2023FellowKnapp, LarisaKinta Serve
2023FellowMcHugh, MyaHeather Ray
2023FellowRivas, DianaJulia Martin
2023FellowSanchez, FatimaJames Groome
2023FellowSistrunk, MasonLeslie Nickerson
2023FellowSwainston, OliviaKristin Lane
2023FellowVan Leuven, ShanaeJames Groome
2023FellowWallace, VirginiaKinta Serve
2022FellowAdams, SamuelJared Barrott
2022FellowBrown, Aspen (ISU)James Groome
2022FellowCatlin, SydneySarah Hobdey
2022FellowDunn, Jaclyn (ISU)Cori Jenkins
2022FellowHaines, Connor (ISU)Jared Barrott
2022FellowHuffman, HannahJason Pilarski
2022FellowJirik, Anna (ISU)Devaleena Pradhan
2022FellowJohnson, Hannity (ISU)Michel Brumley
2022FellowLemos, Michael (ISU)Heather Ray
2022FellowMadrigal Nunez, Sebastian (ISU)Kinta Serve
2022FellowMangum, Broganne (ISU)Peter Sheridan
2022FellowManning, JacobJames Groome
2022FellowRobison, Austin (ISU)Caryn Evilia
2022FellowStevens, Dillon (ISU)Kinta Serve
2022FellowStolworthy, Sophia (ISU)Joshua Pak
2021FellowBarnes, Bailey (ISU)Heather Ray
2021FellowChristensen, Mikaeli (ISU)Courtney Jenkins
2021FellowClark, Sydnie (ISU)James Groome
2021FellowDurrant, Charles (CSI)Melanie Wright
2021FellowHansen, Camille (ISU)Julia Martin
2021FellowLaw, Olivia (ISU)Nick Aubuchon-Endsley
2021FellowLovato, Crystal (ISU)Julia Martin
2021FellowMeldrum, Brendon (ISU)Jared Barrott
2021FellowMontrose, Hannah (ISU)Peter Sheridan
2021FellowRivas, Melissa (ISU)Devaleena Pradhan
2021FellowWest, Kathryn (ISU)Heather Ray
2021FellowWilson, Caleb (ISU)Jared Barrott
2020FellowBliss, Nicole (ISU)Courtney Jenkins
2020FellowCastillo, Joselynn (ISU)Kinta Serve
2020FellowJensen, McKayla (ISU)Michele Brumley
2020FellowLee, Kaden (ISU)Ali Habashi
2020FellowLovato, Crystal (ISU)Caryn Evilia
2020FellowMadrigal, Sebastian (ISU)Jared Barrott
2020FellowMeldrum, Brendon (ISU)Peter Sheridan
2020FellowMeredith, Julie (ISU)Michele Brumley
2020FellowMiller, Katelynn (ISU)Joshua Pak
2020FellowPavek, Adriene (ISU)Jared Barrott
2020FellowRivas, Kareli (ISU)James Groome
2020FellowSwanson, Alexis (ISU)Nicki Aubuchon-Endsley
2019FellowAken, Hannah (ISU)Julia Martin
2019FellowBiery, Alaina (ISU)William Rose
2019FellowCapps, Zachary (BYU-I)Ali Habashi
2019FellowCahoon, Talia (ISU)Caryn Evilia
2019FellowDiehl, Jacob (ISU)Caryn Evilia
2019FellowGarrish, Justice (BYU-I)Jared Barrott
2019FellowHeithoff, Drake (ISU)Jared Barrott
2019FellowHouk, Brenna (ISU)Julia Martin
2019FellowKohler, Makenzie (ISU)Michele Brumley
2019FellowMeldrum, Kayd (ISU)Peter Sheridan
2019FellowPavek, Adriene (ISU)Jared Barrott
2019FellowReay, Kenneth (ISU)Nicki Aubuchon-Endsley
2019FellowRicks, Reiker (BYU-I)Prabha Awale
2019FellowRoss, Kelsi (ISU)Maria Wong
2018FellowBhattarai, Nabin (ISU)Julia Martin
2018FellowHerup-Wheeler, Tristin (ISU)James Groome
2018FellowKay, Camdon (ISU)Jason Pilarski
2018FellowKennell, Bryn (ISU)Michele Brumley
2018FellowLopez, Alexander (ISU)Jack Rose
2018FellowLove, Olivia (ISU)Caryn Evilia
2018FellowMangum, Brittany (ISU)Julia Martin
2018FellowMangun, McKenzie (ISU)Joshua Pak
2018FellowMarez, Maria (ISU)Julie Martin
2018FellowMartes, Alleyna (ISU)Michele Brumley
2018FellowNelson, Jennie (ISU)Jason Pilarski
2018FellowPort, Lance (ISU)James Groome
2018FellowQuia-Park, Kainoa (ISU)Peter Sheridan
2017FellowArinze, Paula (ISU)James Groome
2017FellowDouthit, Nicole (ISU)Nicki Aubuchon-Endsley
2017FellowHansen, Carly (ISU)Peter Sheridan
2017FellowHendricks, Andria (ISU)Ken Rodnick
2017FellowHennings, Shawna (ISU)James Groome
2017FellowJam, Laline (ISU)Caryn Evilia
2017FellowKeetch, Christian (ISU)Peter Sheridan
2017FellowKollmeyer, Leah (ISU)Michele Brumley
2017FellowLybbert, Casetin (ISU)Jason Pilarski
2017FellowMorley, Emily (ISU)Joshua Pak
2017FellowMottishaw, Christina (ISU)Ken Rodnick
2017FellowRamos, Taylor (ISU)Nicki Aubuchon-Endsley
2017FellowRasmussen, Taylor (BYU-I)Jack Rose
2017FellowWheeler, Andromeda (ISU)Mike Thomas
2016FellowCamp, Ryann (ISU)James Groome
2016FellowDawson, April (ISU)Michael Thomas
2016FellowHunter, Kira (UI)Michele Brumley
2016FellowJensen, Ann (ISU)Rodnick
2016FellowKyne-Rucker, Dante (ISU)Rasmussen
2016FellowLovgren, Anika (ISU)Aubuchon-Endsley
2016FellowLubenow, Dayne (ISU)Thomas
2016FellowMontoya, Bianca (ISU)Wong
2016FellowPickett, Kaci (ISU)Jason Pilarski
2016FellowSeaman, Matthew (ISU)James Groome
2016FellowSpradlin, Savannah (ISU)Caryn Evilia
2016FellowViall, Derek (ISU)Michele Brumley
2015FellowBlay, Erika (ISU)Kathleen Lohse
2015FellowBroadway, Jordan (ISU)James Groome
2015FellowButler, Demsie (LCSC)Caryn Evilia
2015FellowHambleton, Jennifer (ISU)Nicki Aubuchon-Endsley
2015FellowMatsunaga, Sora (ISU)Curt Anderson
2015FellowPark, Bomina (ISU)Ken Rodnick
2015FellowPolicicchio, Anna-Lee (ISU)Mark Austin
2015FellowSiegel, Heather (ISU)Peter Sheridan
2015FellowSpradlin, Savannah (ISU)James Groome
2015FellowStein, Paxton (ISU)Jason Pilarski
2014FellowFerrero, Peter (ISU)Marc Benson
2014FellowKempe, Robert (ISU)Michelle Brumley
2014FellowPark, Bomina (ISU)Kenneth Rodnick
2014FellowQuick, Forrest (ISU)Jason Pilarski
2014FellowSiddall, Shelby (ISU)Mark Austin
2014FellowVan Orden, Ashley (ISU)Caryn Evilia
2014FellowWalker, Doug (ISU)Joshua Pak
2014FellowWhiting, Rosemarie (ISU)James Groome
2014RAIN Fellow (Nevada)Bonham, Kara (Nevada)Chris Cretekos
2014RAIN Fellow (Montana)Xia, Yu (Montana)Michael Thomas
2013FellowBrown, Emille (ISU)Chris Cretekos
2013FellowBrawley, Kayla (ISU)Todd Davis
2013FellowButticci, Jillian (ISU)James Groome
2013FellowHall, Rebecca (ISU)Mark Austin
2013FellowSmith, Tiffany (ISU)Curt Anderson
2013FellowTan, Chaofang (ISU)Marc Benson
2013FellowTrejo, Eric (ISU)Caryn Evilia
2013FellowVan Orden, Ashley (ISU)Michele Brumley
2013FellowVincen-Brown, Michael (ISU)Jason Pilarski
2013FellowWalker, Douglas (ISU)Josh Pak
2012FellowBoomhower, SteveErin Rasmussen
2012FellowBrawley, KaylaTodd Davis
2012 FellowDoherty, TiffanyMichele Brumley
2012FellowHaldorson, MichaelJack Rose
2012FellowLewis, HunterJames Groome
2012FellowPena, CeceliaJean Pfau
2012FellowRhodehouse, BryceShawn Bearden
2012FellowTang, CynthiaCretekos
2012FellowTrejo, EricCaryn Evilia
2012FellowVincen-Brown, MichaelJason Pilarsky
2012FellowYomtob, RachelShawn Bearden
2012FellowZhang, YaoAlok Bhushan
2011FellowBoomhower, Steven (ISU)Erin Rasmussen
2011FellowGibby, Blaine (CSI)Shawn Bearden
2011FellowMonson, Andrew (BYU-I)Alok Bhushan
2011FellowNathan, Sarah Ruth (ISU)Byron Bennett
2011FellowRoberts, Jessica (ISU)James Groome
2010FellowChristensen, Brian (BYU-I)Chris Downing
2010FellowMurri, Jason (BYU-I)Chris Daniels
2010FellowReynolds, Jason (ISU)Shawn Bearden
2010FellowVineyard, Mary Ann (ISU)Michelle Brumley
2010FellowWiley, Wendy (ISU)Alok Bhushan
2009FellowChadwick, Charlotte (UI)Dan Selvage
2009FellowDavis, Benjamin (BSU)Chris Cretekos
2009FellowEckman, Anthony (ISU)Peter Sheridan
2009FellowMalamakal, Roy (ISU)Todd Davis
2009FellowMarcum, RyanSophie St. Hilaire
2009ScholarEby, Katy
2009ScholarEmpey, Kimberly
2008FellowGower, Jeffrey
2007FellowEvans, Jessica
2007FellowHooton, Jason
2007FellowNielsen, Tanner
2007FellowReilly, William
2006FellowAduke, Ratimo (ISU)Erin Rasmussen
2006FellowBall, Matthew (BYU-I)Trent Stephens
2006FellowBatt, David (BYU-I)Trent Stephens
2006FellowBenson, Ryan (BYU-I)James Groome
2006FellowBlanchard, Jordan (BYU-I)Curt Anderson
2006FellowBuehler, Trent (BYU-I)Trent Stephens
2006FellowCrofts, Justin (BYU-I)Malcom Shields
2006FellowEdgley, Kristina (ISU)James Lai
2006FellowFricke, Carl (BYU-I)Leslie Devaud
2006FellowHolstein, Richard (ISU)Dan Selvage
2006FellowKoirala, Bikul (ISU)Leslie Devaud
2006FellowPticher, Mathew (BYU-I)Alok Bhushan
2006FellowRhodes, Tony (UI)Shawn Bearden
2006FellowRoberge, Darrell (ISU)James Groome
2006FellowThomas, Mark (BYU-I)Chris Daniels
2006FellowThorne, John (ISU)Peter Sheridan
2006FellowVanderbeek, Christopher (BYU-I)Gary Ten Eyck
2005FellowBaergen, Emily (ISU)Erin Rasmussen
2005FellowBrown, Jacqueline (ISU)Alok Bhushan
2005FellowCoonts, Allyson (CoI)James Groome
2005FellowEbrahimpour, Jeremy (ISU)Chris Daniels
2005FellowEbrahimpour, Jason (ISU)James Lai
2005FellowKassaye Betre, Tsedey (ISU)Leslie Devaud
2005FellowPearce, Sandra (BYU-I)Chris Daniels
2005FellowTibbitts, Jacob (ISU)Malcom Shields
2005FellowWahlen, Bradley (ISU)Malcom Shields
2005FellowWaltz, Micah (ISU)Curt Anderson
2004FellowHugus, Jeremy (NNU)James Lai
2004FellowHutchinson, Janine (ISU)Malcolm Shields
2004FellowJarolimek, Jamie (ISU)Peter Sheridan
2004FellowKidd, Tami (BYU-I)Leslie Devaud
2004FellowLarson, Erica (BYU-I)Larry Farrell
2004FellowSatterfield, Rosanna (UI)Chris Daniels
2004FellowShephard, Sarah (ISU)Chris Daniels
2003FellowAdams, JordanJames CK Lai
2003FellowBlake, JessicaAlok Bhushan
2003FellowKim, JinsilMarjorie Matocq
2003FellowKunz, AshleyChristopher Daniels
2003FellowLuedeman, MichaelCindy Wilson
2003FellowMott, MelissaMaureen Brandon
2003FellowNielsen, TravisMaureen Brandon
2003FellowRajbhandari, PreshaJames CK Lai
2003FellowRichie, MadelineLeslie Devaud
2003FellowRoomianay, PahresahPeter Sheridan
2003FellowSarameh, AsemAdeboye Adejare
2002FellowBeck, TiffanyChris Daniels
2002FellowBehrend, KathleenLeslie Devaud
2002FellowBorchert, SherryNandita Das
2002FellowDean, Linda M.Alok Bhushan
2002FellowFranco, Yvonne
2002FellowGreen, Jeremy B. Rick Williams
2002FellowLee, Martin J.Curtis W. Anderson
2002FellowLeighton, M. EmilyPeter Sheridan
2002FellowMaughn, BenjaminAlok Bhushan
2002FellowMcCracken, WilliamCindy Wilson
2002FellowOrme, AaronJoe Cook
2002FellowSpoonhunter, Harmony D.Joe Cook
YearPosition/RoleStudent NameMentor Name
2024FellowBreuer, Dylan (NNU)Sarah Hobdey
2024FellowTrester, Miranda (BSU)Jay Radke
2024FellowWarr, Natalie (CoI)Mary Cloud Ammons
2023FellowGinther, Gehret (BYU-I)Mary Cloud Ammons Anderson
2023FellowWood, Ethan (NNU)Jay Radke
2022FellowBrackney, BridgetMary Cloud Ammons Anderson
2022FellowWood, Ethan (NNU)Jay Radke
2022FellowWelk, Kenzi (CWI)Mary Cloud Ammons Anderson
2021RAIN Fellow (Nevada)Shin, Hyung Sup (Nevada)
2020FellowKendrick, Emily (CWI)Devin Bolz
2020FellowMeyer, Andrea (CWI)Sumiko Gomi
2020RAIN Fellow (Montana)Smith, Hannah (Montana)Mary Cloud Ammons Anderson
2019FellowBeck, Joanna (CWI)Mary Cloud Ammons
2019RAIN Fellow (Montana)Smith, Hannah (Montana)Mary Cloud Ammons
2018FellowManfull, Makayla (ISU)Devin Bolz
2018RAIN Fellow (Montana)Smith, Hannah (Montana)Mary Cloud Ammons
2017FellowAndrus, Cody (CWI)Michael Aldape
2017FellowDeAngelo, Madeline (UI)Michael Aldape
2017FellowMitchell, Isaac (NNU)Sarah Hobdey
2017FellowScholz, Frances (UI)Margaret Doucette
2017FellowWilliams, Alexander (UI)Amy Bryant
2016FellowBooth, Melissa (ISU)Amy Bryant
2015FellowField, Kevin (NNU)Michael Aldape
2015FellowGardner, Laurel (ISU)Amy Bryant
2015FellowLiner, Melissa (BSU)Amy Bryant
2015FellowSchmitt, Kara (NNU)Michael Aldape
2013FellowShrestha, Neelima (UI)Amy Bryant
2013InternGay, Lincoln (LCSC)Amy Bryant
2013Intern Hasquet, Josh (LCSC)Michael Aldape
2012FellowHasquet, JoshAmy Bryant
2012FellowHeeney, DustinMichael Aldape
2011FellowFeightinger, Stuart (BSU)Amy Bryant
2011 FellowPollard, Herbert (BSU)Michael Aldape
2011FellowWiench, Cody (UI)Amy Bryant
2010FellowMikelonis, Dawn (BSU)Yongsheng Ma
2010FellowPackham, Aaron (BSU)Michael Aldape
2010FellowTurnbow, Cosette (BSU)Amy Bryant
2009FellowFitzgerald, Codi (CoI)Amy Bryant
2009FellowPackham, AaronMichael Aldape
2009FellowTurnbow, Cosette (BSU)Amy Bryant
2009FellowWolter, Matt (BSU)Yongsheng Ma
2006FellowHartley, Jeremy (CoI)Herve Gambliel
2006FellowHayashida, Karin (CoI)Herve Gambliel
2004FellowGurney, MichaelHerve Gambliel
2003FellowElliot, Matthew Amy Bryant
2003FellowRichardson, NicoleHerve Gambliel
2003FellowWeigand, Matt (UI)Dennis Stevens
YearPosition/RoleStudent NameMentor Name
2024FellowBrown, Abigail (LCSC)Eric Stoffregen
2024FellowGulman, Stevie (LCSC)Nancy Johnston
2024FellowHasenoehrl, Ava (LCSC)Eric Stoffregen
2024FellowWahl, KC (LCSC)Nancy Johnston
2024FellowYoungren, Jayden (LCSC)Eric Stoffregen
2023FellowHathaway, Sarah (LCSC)Eric Stoffregen
2023FellowPresnell, Tesla (LCSC)Eric Stoffregen
2023FellowReed, Jordan (NIC)Seth Long
2023FellowSia, Cornelius (LCSC)Nancy Johnston
2022FellowBlanchette, Dan (NIC)Seth Long
2022FellowFarnham, Nicholas (NIC)Nancy Johnston
2022FellowGraves, Brayden (LCSC)Eric Stoffregen
2022FellowKenerson, Dalynn (LCSC)Nancy Johnston
2022FellowLockett, Kyra (LCSC)Eric Stoffregen
2022FellowWilson, Kylie (LCSC)Nancy Johnston
2022ScholarFarnham, Nick (NIC)Nancy Johnston
2021FellowDickinson, Gabrielle (LCSC)Nancy Johnston
2021FellowGraves, Brayden (LCSC)Eric Stoffregen
2021FellowLockett, Kyra (LCSC)Eric Stoffregen
2021FellowMarler, Abygail (LCSC)Eric Stoffregen
2021FellowMiller, Dylan (LCSC)Nancy Johnston
2020FellowBajracharya, Aakriti (LCSC)Nancy Johnston
2020FellowRoy, Abbey (LCSC)Eric Stoffregen
2019FellowAnderson, Nathan (LCSC)Eric Stoffregen
2019FellowScott, Phillip (LCSC)Nancy Johnston
2019FellowSutton, Parke (BYU-I)Nancy Johnston
2018FellowAeschliman, Jolee (LCSC)Eric Stoffregen
2018FellowJones, DeLaney (LCSC)Seth Long
2018FellowKinzer, Shane (LCSC)Leigh Latta
2018FellowPittman, Dorian (LCSC)Owen McDougal
2017FellowEberle, Sarah (LCSC)Leigh Latta
2017FellowMcDonald, Jesse (LCSC)Seth Long
2016FellowTropea, Gus (LCSC)Seth Long
2015FellowWoodfin, Michael (LCSC)Seth Long
2004ScholarCornea, Ana
2003ScholarBlack, Danelle
YearPosition/RoleStudent NameMentor Name/Internship Location
2024B2B FellowBrady, JessicaUI - Shirley Luckhart
2024B2B FellowHuender-Ensminger, LeifUI - John Shovic
2024B2B FellowMcDaniel, HenryUI - Kris Waynant
2024FellowGriffin, Anna UI - Alex Karasev
2024FellowHersey, ThomasUI - Matt Bernards
2024FellowKlerck, DanielleUI - Alex Karasev
2024FellowPeterson, KayleeUI - Marty Ytreberg
2024FellowSorbel, StormUI - Marty Ytreberg
2024Industry Intern Burgan, AmandaKootenai Health
2024Industry InternCardwell, WayneAlta Engineering
2024Industry InternFisher, NaomiCdA Cellars
2024Industry Intern Kienow, AlexBay Watchers
2024Industry Intern Sheppard, SkylarAccurate Testing
2023FellowColegrove, AlissaFrank Wilhelm
2023FellowKeele, SierraUI - Bethaney Fehrenkamp
2023FellowMaxwell, DamianUI - Marty Ytreberg
2023FellowMorgan, MadeleineRhena Cooper
2023FellowO'Brien, HelennaMatt Hedman
2023FellowPalmer, JuliaUI - Nate Schiele
2023FellowReed, JordanLCSC - Seth Long
2023FellowReishus, AuroraUI - Kris Waynant
2023FellowTindall, WyattUI - George Newcombe
2023FellowWomelduff, MattUI - Marty Ytreberg
2023Industry InternGalliher, BrandiKootenai Health
2023Industry InternHersey, TomAccurate Testing
2023Industry InternHong, NathanCd'A Wastewater facility
2023Industry InternLeMetterey, KaitlynSharon Bosley/Bay Watchers Harbor Center
2023ScholarGriffin, AnnaJim Ekins/UI Harbor Center
2023ScholarMorgan, MadeleineRhena Cooper
2022FellowBlanchette, Daniel Seth Long (LCSC)
2022FellowAuten, WillDarrin Thompson
2022FellowFilek, CorrinaUI - Shelley McGuire
2022FellowGriffin, HannahUI - Leda Kobziar
2022FellowSaunoa, KrystalUI - Frank Wilhelm
2022FellowWomelduff, MattUI - Marty Ytreberg
2022Industry InternLaFleur, MeliaWalter Mueller, Accurate Testing
2022Industry InternPierce, ErynSharon Bosley, Bay Watchers Harbor Center
2022Industry Intern Sabrowski, Jaden Kootenai Medical Center
2022Industry Intern Stegeman, AngelaIdaho Fish & Game
2022ScholarFarnham, NickNancy Johnston (LCSC)
2021FellowGriffin, HannahUI - Peter Fuerst
2021FellowMurphy, MollyUI - Peter Fuerst
2021Industry Intern Auten, WillCdA Wastewater
2021Industry InternEisenbrandt, DylanBay Watchers
2021Industry InternGarrett, ElizabethALK-Abello
2021Industry InternLaMetterey, DaleUI Harbor Center
2021Industry InternPerez, CodyCdA Cellars
2021Industry InternWhiting, TristanAlta Science & Engineering
FellowBartle, AmarisUI - Peter Fuerst
FellowBreazeal, TomUI - Peter Fuerst
FellowEisenbrandt, DylanUI - Frank Wilhelm
FellowLane, ErikUI - Darrin Thompson
FellowRayburn, TanaUI - Alex Karasev
FellowRogers, AspenUI
FellowSaunoa, KrystalUI - Frank Wilhelm
FellowSanchez, JohnUI
Industry Intern Moore, KellenUI Harbor Center - John Wiese
Industry Intern Young, AlexisMedicine Man
Aldinger-Gibson, KirahUI - Peter Fuerst
Bartle, AmarisUI - Peter Fuerst
Elliot V, ArthurUI - Peter Fuerst
Fife, ParkerUI - Peter Fuerst
2019FellowSanchez, JohnUI - Darrin Thompson
2019Industry Intern Sellman, HeidiAccurate Testing
2018FellowBartle, AmarisUI - Peter Fuerst
2018FellowCornacchia, BenjaminUI - Frank Wilhelm
2018FellowElliott V, Arthur UI - Peter Fuerst
2018FellowJohnson, EmeryUI - Frank Wilhelm
2018FellowLarsen, ChadUI - James Moberly
2018FellowReynolds, NathanUI
2018Industry InternGoodwin, DanielleALK-Abello
2018Industry InternRayburn, MontanaAccurate Testing
2018Industry InternSanchez, JohnSVL
2018Industry InternSuddick-Reyes, NathanielCoeur d'Alene Wastewater Treatment
2018Industry InternYost, ScottSVL
2018ScholarMurn, MadisonBay Watchers
2018ScholarPetrina, PatriciaBay Watchers
2017FellowCamerino, MicahelUI - Peter Fuerst
2017FellowClemons, MellisaUI - Peter Fuerst
2017FellowHix, JoshUI - Peter Fuerst
2017FellowKing, DanielFernan Lake - Frank Wilhelm
2017FellowLarsen, ChadUI - James Moberly
2017FellowLocke, JenniferUI Research Park
2017FellowPecor, EmmaleeUI - Peter Fuerst
2017FellowSchlussler, MeganUI - Peter Fuerst
2017Industry InternBeard, ReeseAccurate Testing
2017Industry InternBoyd, AndreaDepartment of Environmental Quality
2017Industry InternGrant, CarterUI Research Park
2017Industry InternGreen, ShelbyUI Research Park
2017Industry Intern Greule, AustinSVL
2017Industry InternHolmes, AlyssaMedicine Man Pharmacy
2017Industry InternKrusemark, JackUI Research Park
2017Industry Intern May, GeorgeKootenai Health
2017Industry Intern Nightingale, Emily
2017Industry InternO'Donnell, JeanKootenai Health
2017Industry InternVan Horn, SteveALK-Abello
2016FellowCamerino, MichaelUI - Peter Fuerst
2016FellowHix, JoshUI - Peter Fuerst
2016FellowPecor, EmmaleeUI - Peter Fuerst
2016Industry Intern Herman/Little, EmilyKootenai Health
2016Industry InternKoerner, Corey Hayden Lake Floating Wetlands
2016Industry InternLePage, Gavin Accurate Testing
2016Industry InternMartin, Dylan Coeur d'Alene Cellars/Pend d'Oreille Winery
2016Industry InternMay, George Kootenai Health
2016Industry InternNightingale, EmilyHayden Lake
2016Industry InternStiegers, Tyson Fernan Lake
2016Industry InternTorres, Denise Coeur d'Alene Tribe Lake Management
2016ScholarGibson, Ryan
2015FellowMerlino, LaurenUI - Alex Karasev
2015FellowMitchell, JoeUI - Peter Fuerst
2015FellowTurner, AddieUI - Tom Bitterwolf
2015FellowWinzer, SaraUI - Peter Fuerst
2015Industry InternBischoff, Levi Kootenai Health
2015Industry InternBouchard, Corrie Dept of Environmental Quality
2015Industry InternDrapeau, Aaron Kootenai Health
2015Industry InternGibson, Ryan Fernan Lake Water Quality
2015Industry InternKoerner, CoreyHayden Lake Floating Wetlands
2015Industry InternMalloy, Lillian Fernan Lake Water Quality
2015Industry InternNightingale, Emily Hayden Lake Floating Wetlands
2015Industry InternRhodes, NoahAccurate Testing Laboratory
2015Industry InternTabor, Loni Coeur d'Alene Tribe Lake Management
2015Industry InternTrautwein, Sara Lake City Animal Hospital
2015Industry InternVan Horn, SteveCoeur d'Alene Cellars and Pend d'Oreille Winery
2014FellowBeaman, ZacharyUI - James Moberly
2014FellowMitchell, JoeUI - Peter Fuerst
2014Industry Intern Brands, CatherineHayden Floating Wetlands
2014Industry InternMerlino, LaurenKootenai Environmental Alliance
2014Industry InternMurray, MaryCoeur d'Alene Tribe Lake Management
2014Industry InternSower, MeganKootenai Health
2014Industry InternStephens, TravisHayden Lake
2014Industry Intern Turner, AddieCoeur d'Alene Cellars
2014ScholarCliff, EricFernan Lake
2013Industry Intern Armstrong, WyattCd'A Tribal Lake Management
2013Industry Intern Aunan, MegFernan Lake
2013Industry Intern Bakker, EdSt. Lukes MT
2013Industry Intern Bonwell, JacobDr. Onesmo Balemba
2013Industry Intern Davies, EarnestHayden Lake Floating Wetlands
2013Industry Intern Hall, EricDr. Hartzell
2013Industry InternLuebke, JoleneCoeur d'Alene Cellars/Kootenai Health
2013Industry Intern Mecham, ShannonDr. Cole
2013Industry InternNoonan, JosephCoeur d'Alene Tribe Lake Management/Idaho Fish and Game
2013Industry Intern Orr, WIlliam
2013Industry Intern Pierson, TylerHayden Lake Floating Wetlands
2013Industry Intern Sedlacek, KaylaRhena Cooper
2013Industry Intern VanderPol, DaltonDr. Alex Karasev
2013Industry InternWade, AbbyMedicine Man Pharmacy
2013RAIN Fellow Anderson, Ben (NIC)Hawaii INBRE
2013ScholarBrands, Catherine
2013ScholarGarcia, Maria
2013ScholarLaVigne, Amber
2013ScholarMarck, Valarie
2013Scholar Roth, Joseph
2012FellowCroschere, TomUI
2012Industry InternBakker, EdAccurate Testing
2012Industry InternChapin, MattPend d'Oreille Winery
2012Industry InternDavies, Earnest Hayden Lake
2012Industry InternDemers, DavidBlue Water Technology
2012Industry InternHagenbarth, JimCoeur d'Alene Tribe Lake Management
2012Industry Intern Hall, Eric
2012Industry InternHendricks, AndriaAccurate Testing
2012Industry InternLuppins, JustinCoeur d'Alene Tribe Lake Management
2012Industry Intern Mecham, Shannon
2012Industry InternMelendreras, BriannaALK-Abello
2012 ScholarAnderson, Ben
2012ScholarBaker, KaylaCd'A Tribal Lake Management
2012ScholarMeyer, Amanda
2012ScholarMotz, Meg
2011FellowDenn, BenUI Chemistry
2011FellowMecham, ShannonUI - Tom Bitterwolf
2011Industry InternBakker, EdAccurate Testing
2011Industry InternBuffaloe, MikelCoeur d'Alene Wastewater
2011Industry InternChappel, SarahHayden Lake
2011Industry InternCoon, JackieKootenai Health/Pend d'Oreille Winery
2011Industry InternDavies, EarnestFernan Lake
2011Industry InternDillon, JeniCoeur d'Alene Tribe Lake Management
2011Industry InternHagenbarth, JamesDepartment of Environmental Quality
2011Industry InternKnudtsen, BriannaCoeur d'Alene Cellars
2011Industry Intern Melendreras, BriannaWaste Water Treatment
2011Industry InternRainer, KyleBlue Water Technology
2011Industry InternThompson, IleneKootenai Health
2011ScholardeBlaquiere, WendyBoise State University
2011ScholarHall, EricBoise State University
2011ScholarKirkendall, SamanthaBoise State University
2011ScholarMariann, Quinn JoseBoise State University
2010FellowDenn, BenUI Chemistry
2010FellowEdwards, HannahNNU Microbiology
2010FellowFrederickson, MasonUI - Patrick Hrdlicka
2010FellowKnapp, BenjaminUI Physics
2010Industry InternBaines, SeanUI Research Park
2010Industry InternBartlett, JohnKootenai Health
2010Industry InternBlood, DanielKootenai Health
2010Industry InternBuffaloe, MikelBlue Water Technology
2010Industry InternKnudtsen, BriannaCoeur d'Alene Cellars
2010Industry InternMelendreras, BriannaCoeur d'Alene Wastewater
2010Industry InternMueller, AndyFernan Lake
2010Industry InternOakley, BrittanyPend d'Oreille Winery
2010Industry InternRush, BryneAccurate Testing
2010ScholarCalton, EmilyBoise State University
2010ScholarConnaway, AndrewBoise State University
2010ScholarHaug, TylerBoise State University
2010ScholarMechem, ShannonBoise State University
2009FellowEdwards, HannahBoise State University
2009FellowFrederickson, MasonPatrick Hrdlicka
2009FellowWinzer, SaraTom Bitterwolf
2009Industry Intern Carleton, BenDEQ
2009Industry InternCroschere, TomCoeur d'Alene Tribe Lake Managment
2009Industry Intern Denn, BenNIC Prep Room
2009Industry InternFowler, EmilyKootenai Health
2009Industry InternFree, CaitlynBonner General Hospital
2009Industry InternHepner, JoeCoeur d'Alene Cellars
2009Industry InternHorner Green, MattUI Research Park
2009Industry InternNeil, GeriAccurate Testing
2009Industry Intern Rush, BryneNIC Prep Room
2009Industry InternSumner, BriceBlue Water Technology
2009Industry Intern Sutta, RosieNIC Prep Room
2009Industry InternUhnak, NicPend d'Oreille Winery
2009ScholarBaines, SeanBoise State University
2009ScholarKimm, HeatherBoise State University
2009ScholarMelendreras, BriannaBoise State University
2008FellowDroesch, JasonBoise State University
2008FellowHendricks, Veronica
2008FellowSedlacek, Kayla
2008FellowWinegardner, AmyTrish Hartzell
2008Industry InternBauer, BenUI Research Park
2008Industry InternCamister, ChristiKootenai Health
2008Industry InternCarleton, Ben Blue Water Technology/Coeur d'Alene Wastewater
2008Industry InternCochran, BillieKootenai Health
2008Industry InternCroschere, TomCoeur d'Alene Tribe Lake Management
2008Industry InternFredrickson, MasonCoeur d'Alene Cellars
2008Industry InternLakey, ChrisMedicine Man Pharmacy
2008Industry InternPaddock, ElizabethKootenai Health
2008Industry InternRobinson, SerenityPend d'Oreille Winery
2008Industry InternStrain, ChrisKootenai Health
2008Industry InternWinzer, SaraAccurate Testing
2008Industry InternZabka, AshleyMedicine Man Pharmacy
2008ScholarBroden, SarahBoise State University
2008ScholarEdwards, HannahBoise State University
2008ScholarFree, Caitlyn Boise State University
2008ScholarRush, BryneBoise State University
2008ScholarZabka, AshleyBoise State University
2007FellowGingrich, DanDr. Hong
2007Industry Intern Cochran, BillieKootenai Health
2007Industry InternCroschere, TomCoeur d'Alene Cellars
2007Industry InternGonzalez, MacheleKootenai Health
2007Industry InternGrammer, BenAccurate Testing
2007Industry InternHendricks, VeronicaUI Research Park
2007Industry InternLakey, ChrisAccurate Testing
2007Industry InternRheinhofer, KristiKootenai Health
2007Industry Intern Sedlacek, KaylaUI Research Park
2007Industry InternZebedeo, KatherineUI Research Park/Blue Water Technology
2007ScholarCrawford, EmilyBoise State University
2007ScholarKee, KellyBoise State University
2007ScholarKeefer, Tiffany HansenBoise State University
2007Scholar Strain, ChrisBoise State University
2006Industry Intern Bauer, MattUI Research Park
2006Industry Intern Carter, LukeUI Research Park
2006Industry Intern Collins, ElizabethUI Research Park
2006Industry InternHammons, AudreyKootenai Health
2006Industry InternHendricks, VeronicaAccurate Testing
2006Industry InternLowe, JulieKootenai Health
2006Industry InternMueller, AndyCoeur d'Alene Cellars
2006Industry InternRigoli, JaredAccurate Testing
2006Industry InternWinniford, ChristinCoeur d'Alene Cellars
2006ScholarBarley, Stephanie L. Boise State University
2006ScholarGonzalez, MacheleBoise State University
2006ScholarZebedeo, KatherineBoise State University
2005Industry InternGingrich, DanCoeur d'Alene Cellars
2005Industry InternHigbee, AmiKootenai Health
2005Industry InternMewaldt, RachelAccurate Testing
2005ScholarBauer, MattBoise State University
2005ScholarCarter, LukeBoise State University
2005ScholarDurrant, Julie Boise State University
2004FellowFruth, IngridGustavo
2004Industry InternLeeds, CelseaKootenai Health
2004Industry InternMeckel, AprilAccurate Testing
2004Industry InternMock, AndrewAccurate Testing
2004Industry InternMoore, ShaneCoeur d'Alene Cellars
2003Industry InternFruth, IngridKootenai Health
2003Industry Intern Hall, AdamCd'A Cellars
YearPosition/RoleStudent NameMentor Name
2024FellowGroce, JonahJerry Harris
2024FellowWoods, Catherine (Joan)Jennifer Chase
2023FellowBreuer, DylanSarah Hobdey
2023FellowEllison, EmmalineJerry Harris
2023FellowGautier, SheaJennifer Chase
2023FellowLim, FaithAyokunle Hodonu
2022FellowAnderson, MollyAyokunle Hodonu
2022FellowBowers, MadisonJerry Harris
2022FellowBreuer, DylanAyokunle Hodonu
2022FellowCabrera Velazquez, JuanAyokunle Hodonu
2022FellowDent, MarenJennifer Chase
2022FellowDucharme, GrantJennifer Chase
2022FellowEllison, Emmaline (NNU)Jerry Harris
2022FellowGautier, SheaJennifer Chase
2022FellowJalandoni, John AndreiAyokunle Hodonu
2022FellowKincheloe, Clayton (NNU)Jennifer Chase
2022FellowKipp, SpencerJennifer Chase
2022FellowPenrod, TrevorJennifer Chase
2022FellowSoto, RickyAyokunle Hodonu
2022FellowWilhelm, LydiaJerry Harris
2021FellowGriffith, Beau (NNU)Ayokunle Hodonu
2021FellowLawrence, Kelli (NNU)Jennifer Chase
2020FellowHarris, Ashley (NNU)Ayokunle Hodonu
2020FellowHeckathorn, Katelyn (NNU)Jennifer Chase
2020FellowPorter, Breann (NNU)Jamee Nixon
2020FellowWade, Emily (NNU)Jerry Harris
2019FellowChavez, Aleesha (NNU)Barry Myers
2019FellowManzi, Mikayla (NNU)Jamee Nixon
2019FellowRhinehardt, Chaselyn (NNU)Ayokunle Hodonu
2018FellowGwin, Philip (NNU)Jerry Harris
2018FellowHamilton, Nicholas (NNU)Barry Myers
2018FellowHolmlund, Hayden (NNU)Jennifer Chase
2018FellowLa Mue, Luke (NNU)Ayokunle Hodunu
2018FellowSchaefer, Corrinah (NNU)Nixon, Chase, Hodonu
2017FellowBarrios, Andrew (NNU)Jamee Nixon
2017FellowGarner, Zachary (NNU)Barry Myers
2017FellowGwin, Philip (NNU)Jerry Harris
2017 FellowHolmlund, Hayden (NNU)Ayokunle Hodunu
2017FellowHolston, Andrew (NNU)Jennifer Chase
2016FellowConrad, Brent (NNU)Ron Strohmeyer
2016FellowDekruyf, Dana (NNU)Jennifer Chase
2016FellowHemphill, Tyler (NNU)Jerry Harris
2016FellowJenkins, Sarah (NNU)Jamee Nixon
2016 FellowSmith, Gregory (NNU)Barry Myers
2016ScholarCarrillo, Maribel (CWI)Ron Strohmeyer
2016ScholarHansen, Brenda (CWI)Ron Strohmeyer
2016ScholarKuhn, Amber (CWI)Ron Strohmeyer
2016ScholarMorris, Joshua (CWI)Ron Strohmeyer
2016ScholarRoach, Alyssa (CWI)Ron Strohmeyer
2016ScholarSmith, Hannah (CWI)Ron Strohmeyer
2016ScholarWard, Jason (CWI)Ron Strohmeyer
2016ScholarWhitman, Kelli (CWI)Ron Strohmeyer
2015FellowBenton, Joshua (NNU)Barry Myers
2015FellowBryant, Rachel (NNU)Jennifer Chase
2015FellowBryant, Stephen (NNU)Jerry Harris
2015FellowChristy, Allison (NNU)Jerry Harris
2015FellowConrad, Brent (NNU)Ron Strohmeyer
2015FellowCruz, Genesis (NNU)Barry Myers
2015FellowDavidson, Stephen (NNU)Jennifer Chase
2015FellowHaragos, Nico (NNU)Jennifer Chase
2015FellowJacobsson, Matthew (NNU)Ron Strohmeyer
2015FellowLaughlin, Kevin (NNU)Jerry Harris
2015FellowLynch, Adrianna (NNU)Jamee Nixon
2015FellowMcKibben, Nicholas (NNU)Jerry Harris
2015FellowMiller, Levi (NNU)Jamee Nixon
2015ScholarDavis, Stephanie (NNU)Ron Strohmeyer
2015ScholarFoo, Ryan (NNU)Ron Strohmeyer
2015ScholarGayner, Shawn (CWI)Ron Strohmeyer
2015ScholarHowe, Erin (NNU)Ron Strohmeyer
2015ScholarMahoney, Kelsey (CWI)Ron Strohmeyer
2015ScholarMartinez, Virginia (CWI)Ron Strohmeyer
2015ScholarRose, Karli (CWI)Ron Strohmeyer
2015ScholarRoys, Katrina (NNU)Ron Strohmeyer
2015ScholarSnider, Kyndle (NNU)Ron Strohmeyer
2015ScholarTriplett, Lindee (NNU)Ron Strohmeyer
2014FellowBryant, Rachel (NNU)Jennifer Chase
2014FellowBryant, Stephen (NNU)Jerry Harris
2014FellowConrad, Brent (NNU)Ron Strohmeyer
2014FellowMcDonald, Tim (NNU)Barry Myers
2014FellowRhinehardt, Boone (NNU)Jamee Nixon
2013FellowAdamson, Tia (BSU)Ron Strohmeyer
2013FellowBraddock, Skyler (NNU)Barry Myers
2013FellowGalloway, Kindra (NNU)Jamee Nixon
2013FellowGonzales, Carolina (ISU)Jennifer Chase
2013FellowKeeler, Reagan (NNU)Barry Myers
2012FellowDeKruyf, LeahRon Strohmeyer
2012FellowGalloway, KindraJamee Nixon
2012FellowHarris, DavidBarry Myers
2012FellowKelly, EliJennifer Chase
2012FellowMick, GarrettXueyi Wang
2011FellowAbbott, Haley (NNU)Jamee Nixon
2011FellowGarcia-Espino, Monica (NNU)Barry Myers
2011FellowMacauley, Thomas (NNU)Xueyi Wang
2011FellowOgle, Emily (NNU)Jennifer Chase
2011FellowRenfrow, Emily (NNU)Ron Strohmeyer
2010FellowEdwards, Hannah (NIC)Ron Strohmeyer
2010FellowHarding, Carissa (NNU)Jennifer Chase
2010FellowLorenzen, Brad (NNU)Xueyi Wang
2010FellowMoritz, Alex (NNU)Barry Myers
2010FellowPuga, Jaclyn (NNU)Jamee Nixon
2009FellowDavidson, Nick (NNU)Xueyi Wang
2009FellowEdwards, HannahJennifer Chase
2009FellowFitch, KlaireeceRon Strohmeyer
2009FellowNielsen, Tyson (NNU)Ron Strohmeyer
2009FellowPuga, Jaclyn (NNU)Jamee Nixon
2008FellowHigdon, Johanna (NNU)Jennifer Chase
2008FellowKlinger, Christopher (BYU-I)Jennifer Chase
2008FellowSteel, Jordan (BYU-I)Ron Strohmeyer
2007FellowBeech, Zachary
2007FellowShelton, Jadd
2007FellowShively, Erin
2007ScholarBeech, Louie
2007ScholarDeSimone, Greg
2006FellowFaucette, Karen (NNU)Barry Myers
2006FellowMcLam, Brittni (NNU)Jennifer Chase
2006FellowRapp, Ryan (NNU)Barry Myers
2006FellowReimers, Aaron (NNU)William Fyffe
2006FellowShelton, Jadd (BYU-I)Ron Strohmeyer
2006ScholarDeardoff, Brenda
2006ScholarMonroe, Jessica
2005FellowMerrill, Collin (BYU-I)Dan Nogales
2005FellowPerry, Sheena (BSU)Jennifer Chase
2005ScholarDjernes, Kathryn
2005ScholarReimers, Aaron
2004ScholarClem, Deanna
2004ScholarGalloway, Tristan
2004ScholarMcLam, Brittni
2004ScholarMiller, Meghan
2003ScholarFife, Brian
2003ScholarMedeiros, Mindy
YearPosition/RoleStudent NameMentor Name
2024FellowBuitron, DaynaPaul Rowley
2024FellowChristensen, Tyler (CSI)Jacob Bledsoe
2024FellowCoss, SarahPaul Rowley
2024FellowEdgar, Sasha (CSI)Erik Wenninger (UI-Kimberly)
2024FellowEvans, KasenPaul Rowley
2024FellowGriffin, Anna (NIC)Alex Karasev
2024FellowHersey, Thomas (NIC)Matt Bernards
2024FellowKlerck, Danielle (NIC)Alex Karasev
2024FellowMalloy, CooperKris Waynant
2024FellowNelson, NathanChing-An Peng
2024FellowPeterson, Kaylee (NIC)Marty Ytreberg
2024FellowSorbel, Storm (NIC)Marty Ytreberg
2024FellowWatson, Carter Nathan Schiele
2024Fellow/B2BBrady, Jessica (NIC)Shirley Luckhart
2024Fellow/B2BHuender-Ensminger, Leif (NIC)John Shovic
2024Fellow/B2BMcDaniel, Henry (NIC)Kris Waynant
2024Fellow/SURFKeele, SierraBethaney Fehrenkamp
2024Fellow/SURFPalmer, JuliaNathan Schiele
2024Industry Intern Herrera-Alegre, SebastianAlcyone/Bryn Martin
2024RAIN Fellow (Nevada)Chavez, Carmina (Nevada)Mark McGuire
2024Transfer TicketBrady, Jessica (NIC)Shirley Luckhart
2024Transfer TicketFisher, Naomi (NIC)Onesmo Balemba
2024Transfer TicketGriffin, Anna (NIC)Alex Karasev
2024Transfer TicketHersey, Thomas (NIC)Matt Bernards
2024Transfer TicketMiller, Mackenzie (CSI)JT Van Leuven
2024Transfer TicketPeterson, Kaylee (NIC)Marty Ytreberg
2024Transfer TicketSpeirs, Jaimen (CSI)Richard Thompson
2024Transfer TicketStafford, Jack (BSU)Chris Caudill
2023FellowColegrove, Alissa (NIC)Frank Wilhelm
2023FellowDresler, LydiaKris Waynant
2023FellowEllis, NatalieAmy Skibiel
2023FellowGossett, BenjaminTyler Bland
2023FellowHarper, Mason (CSI)Erik Wenniger
2023FellowHill, Katherine (Rosie)Paul Rowley
2023FellowJones, Noah (UI)James Nagler
2023FellowKeele, Sierra (NIC)Bethaney Fehrenkamp
2023FellowKorol, IdrisDeb Stenkamp
2023FellowMai, Christina (Tina)Nate Schiele
2023FellowMajor, JuliaPaul Rowley
2023FellowMaxwell, Damian (NIC)Marty Ytreberg
2023FellowO'Brien, Helenna (NIC)Hedman, Matt
2023FellowPalmer, Julia (NIC)Nate Schiele
2023FellowReishus, Aurora (NIC)Kris Waynant
2023FellowSharpe, LeannAmy Skibiel
2023FellowTindall, Wyatt (NIC)George Newcombe
2023FellowWomelduff, Matt (NIC)Marty Ytreberg
2023Fellow/SURFAuten, Will (UI)Kris Waynant
2023Fellow/SURFBlanchette, Dan (NIC)Diana Mitchell
2023Fellow/SURFDitton, Destinee (UI)Nate Schiele
2023Fellow/SURFWieber, Peter (UI)Nate Schiele
2023RAIN Fellow (Nevada)Chavez, Carmina (Nevada)M&S McGuire/Williams
2023RAIN Fellow (Nevada)Johnson, Sophia (Nevada)James Moberly
2023ScholarGriffin, Anna (NIC)Jim Ekins/UI Harbor Center
2023Transfer TicketGriffin, Hannah (NIC)Kris Waynant
2023Transfer TicketHong, Nathan (NIC)James Moberly
2023Transfer TicketPalmer, Julia (NIC)Nate Schiele
2023Transfer TicketStegeman, Angela (NIC)Amy Skibiel
2023Transfer TicketTindall, Wyatt (NIC)George Newcombe/Joe Kuhl
2023Transfer TicketWomelduff, Matt (NIC)Marty Ytreberg
2022FellowAuten, Will (NIC)Darren Thompson
2022FellowDitton, Destinee (UI)Nate Schiele
2022FellowFilek, Corrina (NIC)Shelley McGuire
2022FellowGonzalez, YuridiaMatt Powell
2022FellowGriffin, Hannah (NIC)Leda Kobziar
2022FellowHansten, Alyssa (UI)Nate Schiele
2022FellowLarsen, Cassie (BYU-I)Leda Kobziar
2022FellowMiller, Mackenzie (CSI)Erik Wenninger
2022FellowMurphy, Molly (UI)Peter Fuerst
2022FellowSaunoa, Krystal (NIC)Frank Wilhelm
2022FellowSells, Emma (UI)Amy Skibiel
2022FellowStachofsky, Lindsey (UI)Sarah Wu
2022FellowStegman, Angela (NIC)Matt Powell
2022FellowWieber, Peter (UI)Patrick Hrdlicka
2022FellowWomelduff, Matt (NIC)Marty Ytreberg
2022Industry InternPatton, Trenton (UI)Bryn Martin/Alcyone
2022RAIN Fellow (Nevada)Burnham, Lucy (Nevada)Matt Powell
2022RAIN Fellow (Nevada)Vera, Nicole (Nevada)Tyler Bland
2022RAIN FellowCarper, Annie (UI)Hawaii INBRE
2022Transfer Ticket Auten, William (NIC)Marty Ytreberg
2022Transfer TicketCosta, Ryan (NIC)Patrick Hrdlicka
2021FellowAl Janabi, Ibrahim (UI)Patrick Hrdlicka
2021FellowAndrews, Lukas (CSI)UI Aquaculture
2021FellowBlack, Cailyn (UI)Peter Fuerst
2021FellowCunningham, Alexandra (UI)Nate Schiele
2021FellowFindley, Anna (UI)Diana Mitchell
2021FellowGriffin, Hannah (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2021FellowHandsten, Alyssa (UI)Nate Schiele
2021FellowHowe, Audrey (CSI)Erik Wenniger/UI Extension
2021FellowMurphy, Molly (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2021FellowPlacencia, Jhonnathan (CSI)Howard Neibling/UI Extension
2021FellowSaunoa, Krystal (UI)Frank Wilhelm
2021FellowZhong, Zhenhao (UI)Paul Rowley
2021Industry InternBangudu, OmololaAlcyone
2021Industry InternHurley, ThaddaeusAlcyone
2021RAIN Fellow (Nevada)Werth, Harmony (Nevada)
2020FellowAl Janabi, Ibrahim (CSI)James Moberly
2020FellowAli, Salman (CSI)James Moberly
2020FellowAmos, Dawn (UI)Clarissa Richardson
2020FellowBartle, Amaris (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2020FellowBlake, Isaac (UI)Matthew Bernards
2020FellowBreazeal, Tom (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2020FellowCarper, Annie (UI)Nate Schiele
2020FellowCox, Garrison (UI)Tanya Miura
2020FellowCunningham, Alexandra (UI)Nate Schiele
2020FellowEisenbrandt, Dylan (NIC)Frank Wilhelm
2020FellowGroner, Vincent (UI)Kris Waynant
2020FellowHahn, Tanner (UI)Kris Waynant
2020FellowHull, McKenna (UI)Tanya Miura
2020FellowLane, Erik Darrin Thompson
2020FellowMarchus, Colin (UI)Ching-An Peng
2020FellowRayburn, Tana (UI)Alex Karasev
2020FellowRogers, Aspen (NIC)
2020FellowSanchez, John (NIC)Soumya Srivastava
2020FellowSaunoa, Krystal (NIC)Frank Wilhelm
2020FellowYensen, Nicholas (UI)Diana Mitchell
2020Industry InternMoore, Kellen (NIC)UI Harbor Center/John Wiese
2019FellowAldinger-Gibson, Kirah (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2019FellowAmos, Kylee Dawn (UI)Clarissa Richardson
2019FellowBartle, Amaris (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2019FellowClark, Nina (UI)Allan Caplan
2019FellowElliott, Arthur (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2019FellowFife, Parker (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2019FellowFredericks, Lance (UI)Paul Rowley
2019FellowHyde, Romana (UI)Ben Richardson
2019FellowKindall, Austin (UI)Peter Fuerst
2019FellowMartinez, Davian (UI)Ching-An Peng
2019FellowOverfelt, Ethan (UI)Ben Richardson
2019FellowPancheri, Nicholas (UI)Nate Schiele
2019FellowSanchez, John (NIC)Darren Thompson
2019FellowSteiner, Marissa (CSI)Erik Wenninger
2019FellowWhite, Addie (UI)James Moberly
2019RAIN Fellow (Nevada)Robertson, Miriam (Nevada)Alex Karasev
2018FellowCamerino, Michael (UI)Peter Fuerst
2018FellowDaily, Daniel (CSI)Matt Powell/UI Aquaculture Research Institute
2018FellowKennedy, Courtney (UI)Paul Rowley
2018FellowKuther, Sydney (UI)Onesmo Balemba
2018FellowLambert, Leah (UI)Doug Cole
2018FellowLarsen, Chad (NIC)James Moberly
2018FellowMartinez-Alvarez, Jacquelin (UI)Matt Bernards
2018FellowNesbitt, Kristin (UI)Nate Schiele
2018FellowPierce, Dustin (UI)Peng
2018FellowReynolds, Nathan (UI)Peter Fuerst
2018FellowShipley, Mason (UI)Allen
2018FellowSiegford, Tyler (UI)Thompson
2018FellowSpeare, Olivia (UI)Marx
2018FellowTokle, John (UI)Nate Schiele
2018FellowWolfe, Alison (UI)Aldape
2018FellowWoodward, Micah (UI)Larry Forney
2018RAIN Fellow (Montana)Kelly, Allison (Montana)Matt Powell
2018RAIN Fellow (Wyoming)Christensen, Thomas (Wyoming)James Moberly
2017FellowBundy, Brandi (LCSC)Tom Bitterwolf
2017FellowCamerino, MIchael (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2017FellowCampbell. Lauren (BYU-I)Deb Stenkamp
2017FellowClemons, Mellisa (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2017FellowConley Nativadad, Gabryel (UI)Bryn Martin
2017FellowElder Waters, Michael (UI)Onesmo Balemba
2017FellowHaney, Reagan (CSI)Erik Wenninger
2017FellowHix, Josh (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2017FellowKizer, Emily (UI)Paul Rowley
2017FellowLambert, Leah (UI)Chris Marx
2017FellowLarsen, Chad (NIC)James Moberly
2017FellowLocke, Jennifer (NIC)UI Research Park
2017FellowMarsing, Melissa (CSI)Matt Powell/UI Aquaculture Research Institute
2017FellowMay, George (UI)Onesmo Balemba
2017FellowPecor, Emmalee (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2017FellowPedersen, Abby (LCSC)Ching An Peng
2017FellowQuates, Caleb (UI)Marty Ytreberg
2017FellowRaveling, Abigail (UI)Nate Schiele
2017FellowRueb, Nicole (UI)Kris Waynant
2017FellowSchlussler, Megan (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2017FellowSmith, Sleight (UI)Tom Bitterwolf
2017FellowStelck, Judah (UI)James Moberly
2017FellowViall, Derek (ISU)Deb Stenkamp
2017FellowYeaman, Daniel (BYU-I)James Moberly
2017Industry Intern Grant, Carter (NIC)UI Research Park
2017Industry Intern Green, Shelby (NIC)UI Research Park
2017Industry InternMcAlpine, John (UI)Tom Bitterwolf/Idaho National Laboratory
2016FellowBartlett, Arianna (CSI)Matt Powell
2016FellowBenson, Elijah (UI)Tanya Miura/John Clary
2016FellowCamerino, Michael (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2016FellowDaly, Ryan (LCSC)Allen
2016FellowGross, Rachel (UI)Fangming Xiao
2016FellowGuthrie, Macie-Grace (BYU-I)Patrick Hrdlicka
2016FellowGutierrez, Guadalupe (UI)Kris Waynant
2016FellowHawkes, Joseph (BYU-I)Matt Powell (Hagerman)
2016FellowHix, Josh (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2016FellowJohnson, Nicolas (UI)Kris Waynant
2016FellowLeavitt, Jaron (UI)Linda Liou
2016FellowLi, Jiahong (LCSC)Jakob Magolan
2016FellowPatterson, Justin (BYU-I)Alex Karasev
2016FellowPecor, Emmalee (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2016FellowRisinger, Megan (LCSC)Nate Schiele
2016FellowRoberts, Samantha (UI)Deb Stenkamp/Diana Mitchell
2016FellowScott, Jeffrey (UI)Jakob Magolan
2016FellowSobbi, Eisa (CSI)Erik Wenninger/UI Research & Extension Center - Kimberly
2016FellowTurner, Addie (UI)Jakob Magolan
2016FellowTurner, Sierra (UI)Nicole Grieshaber
2016FellowVu, Amanda Trang (UI)Matt Powell (Hagerman)
2016RAIN Fellow (Wyoming)Ren, Dylan (Wyoming)Jakob Magolan
2016ScholarCamerino, Michael (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2016ScholarHerman, Emily (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2016ScholarHerman, Eileen (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2015FellowAraujo, Jose (UI)Christine Parent
2015FellowBrands, Catherine (UI)Onesmo Balemba
2015FellowCooper, Dan (UI)Sam Minnich
2015FellowCornwell, Brandon (UI)Eva Top
2015FellowDeobald, Jackson (UI)Jakob Magolan
2015FellowGallegos, Karina (UI)Celeste Brown
2015FellowHix, Joshua (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2015FellowKnight, Jessica (LCSC)Jakob Magolan
2015FellowLusk, Sarah (UI)Jakob Magolan
2015FellowMerlino, Lauren (NIC)Alex Karasev
2015FellowMiller, Calvin (UI)Peter Fuerst
2015FellowMitchell, Joe (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2015FellowPartington, Natalie (BYU-I)Deb Stenkamp
2015FellowPecor, Emmalee (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2015FellowPeters, Alexis (LCSC)Jakob Magolan
2015FellowQuimby, Joshua (LCSC)Andreas Vasdekis
2015FellowReed, Justin (UI)Peter Fuerst
2015FellowRodgers, Jade (UI)Tanya Miura
2015FellowRowley, Allison (UI)Patrick Hrdlicka
2015FellowSass, Lucas (UI)Kris Waynant
2015FellowSmith, Sleight (UI)Tom Bitterwolf
2015FellowSpencer, Adam (UI)Peter Allen
2015FellowSussman, Katherine (UI)Eva Top
2015FellowTurner, Addie (NIC)Tom Bitterwolf
2015FellowWest, Sean (LCSC)Eva Top
2015FellowWinzer, Rebecca (UI)Andreas Vasdekis
2015FellowWinzer, Sara (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2015FellowYoung, Jaime (UI)Peter Fuerst
2015RAIN Fellow (Wyoming)Wilcox, Peter (Wyoming)Scott Grieshaber
2014FellowBeaman, Zachary (NIC)James Moberly
2014FellowClark, Kyle (UI)Jakob Magolan
2014FellowCole, Kami (UI)Craig McGowan
2014FellowCrawford, Jeff (BYU-I)Jakob Magolan
2014FellowDoney, Kelsey (UI)Craig McGowan
2014FellowDotson, Jack (LCSC)Craig McGowan
2014FellowHansen, Ethan (UI)Peter Fuerst
2014FellowJeppson, Tucker (LCSC)Larry Forney
2014FellowJohnson, Mickinzie (UI)Paul Hohenlohe
2014FellowKohler, Bethel (UI)Eva Top
2014FellowMcTighe, Katie (UI)Eva Top
2014FellowMitchell, Joe (NIC)Peter Fuerst
2014FellowPeterson, Rachel (UI)David McIlroy
2014FellowVukelich, Philip (UI)Patrick Hrdlicka
2014FellowWatt, Casey (UI)Pedram Rezamand
2014FellowWimpenny, Jacob (LCSC)Jakob Magolan
2014RAIN Fellow (New Mexico)Chavez, Olivia (New Mexico)Larry Forney
2014RAIN Fellow (Hawaii)Ko, Roxanne (Hawaii)Tanya Miura
2014RAIN Fellow (Nevada)Lee, Michael (Nevada)
2013FellowBashford, KelsieEva Top
2013FellowBrandon, Elizabeth (UI)Tanya Miura
2013FellowDeobald, Kelly (UI)Doug Cole
2013FellowGill, Shannon (UI)Tom Bitterwolf
2013FellowKehlet, Hanna (LCSC)Larry Forney
2013FellowKennedy, Tracy (CSI)Matt Powell (Hagerman)
2013FellowLeCoultre, Mitchell (UI)Deb Stenkamp
2013FellowMcMillan, John (CWI)Onesmo Balemba
2013FellowNickerson, Leslie (UI)Jakob Magolan
2013FellowNuhn, John (UI)Peter Fuerst
2013FellowOdom, Kyle (UI)Allan Caplan
2013InternBonwell, Jacob (NIC)Onesmo Balemba
2013Intern Gibbons, Brad (BYU-I)Patrick Hrdlicka
2013Intern Hall, Eric (UI/NIC)Trish Hartzell
2013Intern Hatch, Christopher (BYU-I)Jakob Magolan
2013Intern Kennedy, Tracy (CSI)Matt Powell (Hagerman)
2013Intern Mecham, Shannon (UI/NIC)Doug Cole
2013Intern Nam, Derrick (BYU-I)Fangming Xiao
2013InternVander Pol, Dalton (NIC)Alex Karasev
2013RAIN Fellow (Montana)Hendricks, Ruesha (Montana)Carolyn Bohach
2012FellowCroschere, Tom (NIC)
2012FellowFuller, RedgyCraig McGowan
2012FellowHammons, ChristieTracy Davis
2012FellowKappmeyer, AdamOnesmo Balemba
2012FellowKiser, HannahTom Bitterwolf
2012FellowMartin, JessicaPeter Fuerst
2012FellowNuhn, ReneeLarry Forney
2012FellowSlavens, KatelynHolly Wichman
2012FellowStover, PetePatricia Hartzell
2012FellowTrakas, AnthonyFangming Xiao
2012FellowVukelich, SarahJakob Magolan
2012RAIN FellowAnderson, GracePatrick Hrdlicka
2012RAIN FellowBilodeau, ThomasDavid McIlroy
2011FellowBengtson, Erika (UI)Larry Forney
2011FellowBoren, Jennifer (LCSC)Onesmo Balemba
2011FellowChmelik, Lauren (LCSC)Patricia Hartzell
2011FellowCooperrider, Jaclyn (WWAMI)Jeff Seegmiller
2011FellowDenn, Benjamin (NIC)Patrick Hrdlicka
2011FellowJones, E. Sterling (CSI)Matt Powell
2011FellowLi, Shuai (LCSC)Peter Fuerst
2011FellowMecham, Shannon (NIC)Tom Bitterwolf
2011FellowPollard, Jacob (WWAMI)Doug Cole
2011FellowRobinson, Logan (CSI)Matt Powell
2011FellowRule, Isaac (UI)Eva Top
2011FellowRyan, Daniel (UI)Doug Cole
2011FellowSullivan, Dayne (LCSC)Craig McGowan
2011FellowWalsh, Jonathan (CSI)Deb Stenkamp
2011FellowWeires, Nicholas (UI)Jakob Magolan
2011ScholarMoore, Lauren
2010FellowAnderson, Kelli (UI)Zonglie Hong
2010FellowCady, Joshua (BYU-I)Onesmo Balemba
2010FellowDenn, Ben (NIC)Larry Branen
2010FellowFrederickson, Mason (UI)Patrick Hrdlicka
2010FellowHadlock, Charlotte (UI)Marty Ytreberg
2010FellowHarris, Erin (CSI)Gustavo Arrizabalaga
2010FellowHobson, Kyle (LCSC)Tom Bitterwolf
2010FellowJarvis, Kylie (UI)Steve Krone
2010FellowKnapp, BenjaminUI Physics
2010FellowRoop, Daniel (UI)Alex Karasev
2010FellowSmith, Juliane (BYU-I)Larry Forney
2010FellowStone, Hannah (UI)Trish Hartzell
2010FellowWilliams, Amanda (UI)Trish Hartzell
2010Industry Intern Baines, Sean (NIC)UI Research Park
2010RAIN Fellow (Montana)Loch, Kyle (M.Tech)Jeff Seegmiller
2010RAIN Fellow (Montana)Wodnik, Breanna (MSU)Eva Top
2010RAIN Fellow (New Mexico)Nguyen, Gina (NM. Tech)Tracy Davis
2010ScholarHammons, Christina
2010ScholarShrestha, Neelima
2009FellowCantrell, MichaelAllan Caplan
2009FellowCrosland, Giovanna (BYU-I)Eric Brauns
2009FellowDavis, Cassandra (UI)Tom Bitterwolf
2009FellowDurrin, Jenny (UI)Alex Karasev
2009FellowEvans, Rebecca (UI)James Nagler
2009FellowFrederickson, Mason (NIC)Patrick Hrdlicka
2009FellowHickey, Roxana (UI)Larry Forney
2009FellowMargulieux, Katie (UI)Gustavo Arrizabalaga
2009FellowMitchell, Christina (UI)Jill Johnson
2009FellowRanberg, Alden (UI)Kevin Kelliher
2009FellowRush, Bryne (NIC)Deb Stenkamp
2009FellowSpangler, AngelaLarry Forney
2009FellowWinzer, Sara (NIC)Tom Bitterwolf
2009Industry Intern Horner Green, Matt (NIC)UI Research Park
2008FellowDroesch, Jason (UI)Steve Krone
2008FellowFlerchinger, Elizabeth (LCSC)Kurt Gustin
2008FellowGuenther, Dale (UI)Patrick Hrdlicka
2008FellowHendricks, VeronicaEric Aston
2008FellowHickey, Roxana (UI)Larry Forney
2008FellowHiltbrand, Corrie (BYU-I)Kevin Kelliher
2008FellowIngram, Amy (UI)Trish Hartzell
2008FellowMargulieux, Katie (UI)Gustavo Arrizabalaga
2008FellowRacine, Matt (UI)Barrie Robison
2008FellowRice, Aileen (UI)Greg Bohach
2008FellowSedlacek, KaylaGordon Murdoch
2007FellowAlcocer, Jose
2007FellowCheney, Mark
2007FellowFlerchinger, Elizabeth
2007FellowGilmore, Sara
2007FellowGingrich, Daniel
2007FellowJones, Alexis
2007FellowMcDaniel, Jade
2007FellowMyers, Elizabeth
2007FellowNicholson, Andrew
2007FellowMcGuckin, Katherine
2007Industry Intern Sedlacek, Kayla (NIC)UI Research Park
2007Industry Intern Zebedeo, Katherine (NIC)UI Research Park/Blue Water Technology
2006FellowFredrickson, Logan (BYU-I)Deb Stenkamp
2006FellowGarrison, Erin (UI)Gustavo Arrizabalaga
2006FellowGilmore, Sara (UI)Gary Daughdrill
2006FellowHenderson, Richard (UI)Tom Bitterwolf
2006FellowJohnson, Andrew (UI)Andrzej Paszczynski
2006FellowMemmott, Rebecca (UI)Allan Caplan
2006FellowPendegraft, Richard (UI)Larry Forney
2006FellowRhodes, Tony
2006FellowRusso, Kimberly (UI)Deb Stenkamp
2006FellowSinclair, Dylan (UI)Greg Bohach
2006Industry Intern Bauer, Matthew (NIC)UI Research Park/Eva Top
2006Industry Intern Carter, Luke (NIC)UI Research Park/Josh Branen
2006Industry InternCollins, Elizabeth (NIC)UI Research Park/Wusi Maki
2005FellowBaca, Tamara (UI)Gustin
2005FellowBaron, James (BYU-I)Cole
2005FellowGarrison, Erin (UI)Arrizabalaga
2005FellowHodges, Kelli (UI)Ott
2005FellowMcGuckin, Kathryn (UI)Gustin
2005FellowMcNulty, Patrice (BYU-I)Caplan
2005FellowOuwerkerk, Melinda (UI)Bitterwolf
2005FellowRosen, Luke (UI)Johnson
2005FellowSturgeon, John (UI)Hartzell
2005FellowViall, Austin (UI)Scott Minnich
2005FellowWilliams, Julia (UI)Eva Top
2005FellowZimmerman, Magdalena (BSU)Tom Bitterwolf
2004FellowBlack, Danelle (LCSC)Jill Johnson
2004FellowBlasick, ChristinaDoug Cole
2004FellowErickson, Nicole (UI)Holly Wichman
2004FellowFox, Randall (UI)Eva Top
2004FellowIngrid, ErwinRon Crawford
2004 FellowJohnson, Audra (UI)Celeste Brown
2004FellowMetz, Hillery (UI)Kathy Magnusson
2004FellowNutting, Joseph (UI)You Qiang
2004FellowRaterman, Erica (UI)Ken Bayles
2004FellowShoemaker, Carolyn (UI)Kurt Gustin
2004FellowSnell, Alexis (UI)Kurt Gustin
2004FellowWilliams, Julia (UI)Jill Johnson
2004FellowYamamoto, Ted (UI)Larry Forney
2003FellowCochran, JustinRod Hill
2003FellowFox, RandalEva Top
2003FellowHill, MichaelKurt Gustin
2003FellowHoffman, SarahKathy Magnusson
2003FellowKennedy, StevenNick Natale
2003FellowKnecht, HannahCarolyn Bohach
2003FellowKnight, RichardGary Daughdrill
2003FellowLorenz, SaraTom Bitterwolf
2003 FellowPierson, JacobLarry Forney
2003FellowPlocher, ThomasAllan Caplan
2003FellowRaterman, EricaKen Bayles
2003FellowRea, ChristinaDoug Cole
2003FellowWardwell, SheriDeb Stenkamp
2003FellowWilliams, JuliaJill Johnson
2003FellowWinegardner, TarynLee Fortunato
2003FellowYockey, EugeneJames Foster
2002FellowBankhead III, ArmandDouglas Cole
2002FellowDouthit, ErinDon Crawford
2002FellowFallahi, ArzhangLee Fortunado
2002FellowGardner, PatriciaRobert Stephens
2002FellowHarrison, JohnJames Foster
2002FellowHolcomb, MichaelJoe Cloud
2002FellowLorenz, SaraTom Bitterwolf
2002FellowPierson, JacobLarry Forney
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