A statewide Data Science Committee includes representatives from every PUI and community college. The Committee guides Core use and bioinformatics educational resources. Members have expertise in bioinformatics, bioinformatics education, or experience in Core facility operations. Institutional facilitators provide immediate, on-site, research-specific help to INBRE Developmental Research Project Investigators, Pilot Project Investigators, Student Research Mentors, and other faculty and students.

Statewide Data Science Committee





Kenneth A Cornell (Chair)

Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Data Science Core, Director

Boise State University

Core Director

Mark C. Austin

Professor, Biology

Idaho State University

Institution Facilitator

Jennifer R Chase

Professor, Biology

Northwest Nazarene University

Institution Facilitator

Associate Professor, Biology

The College of Idaho

Institution Facilitator

S Seth Long

Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Lewis-Clark State College

Institution Facilitator

Michael Terribilini

Assistant Professor, Biology

Brigham Young University – Idaho

Institution Facilitator

Additional bioinformatics and data sciences consulting is available within the Idaho INBRE network. These resources are available to everyone, not just INBRE participants.


Genomics and Bioinformatics Resources Core (GBRC) at the University of Idaho provides high throughput sequencing and sample prep, and has a staff of doctoral level bioinformatics scientists to help design and analyze experiments based on these data.


Molecular Research Core Facility at Idaho State University provides high end sequencing, and the associated bioinformatics and statistical consulting services


The Biomedical Research Institute (BRI) (formerly Biomolecular Research Center – BRC) at Boise State University represents a comprehensive collection of instrumentation and facilities ideal for the characterization of biomolecules and their role in a variety of biomedical and environmental processes.


Research Computing and Data Services (RCDS) at the University of Idaho provides high performance computing, large scale data storage, and educational resources for both teaching and research.

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