AAAS Pacific Division: 93rd Annual Meeting

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The Pacific Division of AAAS is pleased to announce its 93rd annual meeting, to be held at the Boise Convention Center in Boise, Idaho 24 – 27 June 2012. The meeting is co-located with the 2nd pentennial meeting of the Snake River Section of the American Chemical Society and co-sponsored by Boise State University. Additionally, we welcome members of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Membership in AAAS or its affiliated societies is not required to participate in the meeting.

All scientists, as well as graduate and undergraduate students, are invited to present their research results at the meeting, either orally or as posters. Persons paying the registration fee may attend all scientific sessions as well as participate in many other activities (field trips require advance registration and payment of additional fees). Dr. Owen M. McDougal, Boise State University, is chairing the local organizing committee for the Pacific Division.  For more information or to register, please visit the following website:

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