Welcome to the Idaho INBRE Data Science Core homepage!
The Data Science Core (DSC) provides faculty and students access to biomedical data science resources, services, and training. Technology Access Grants (TAGs, see below) and biostatistical consulting are offered. Access to big data, biomedical data repositories, and cloud computing is provided. The DSC helps users develop expertise in scientific programming, experimental design that anticipates big data, data analysis, data management, and data security. Training is available in machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence, and bioinformatics. The DSC supports research in many areas including: (i) genomics and transcriptomics; (ii) protein structure and proteomics; (iii) small molecules and metabolomics; (iv) imaging; (v) modeling; (vi) phylogenetic analyses; and (vii) gene expression. Also, state-of-the-art analytical software and technical experts are available to provide specialized help.
Idaho INBRE Data Science Core Laboratory Facilities
Institute for Interdisciplinary Data Sciences (IIDS) - UI
The Biomedical Research Institute (BRI) - BSU
Molecular Research Core Facility (MRCF) - ISU
New! Sequencing Core - BSU
The facilities and capabilities at each location are outlined in the table below. The four Core facility locations allow users to access facilities on their campus or nearby campus. However, every INBRE institution can access all four Cores.
Core facilities at each of the three universities (University of Idaho, Idaho State University, Boise State University) are staffed by MS-and PhD-level scientists that are highly trained in the instrument operations. Bioinformaticians and biostatisticians are available at each Core facility to assist and train investigators and students in bioinformatics data analysis.
*Additionally, the Data Science Core at Boise State now includes the Sequencing Core.
Important Resources
For More Information
Click below if you need help with the following:
- Contact your institutional bioinformatics facilitator to learn about bioinformatics or statistical resources in the INBRE program.
- Contact a bioinformatics person at an Idaho INBRE network institution, for help about INBRE or a pointer in the right direction.
- See your local Institutional Bioinformatics Coordinator to design a data-intensive experiment in such a way that the downstream analysis answers your research question (up-front bioinformatics planning).
- Find specific services in genomics, proteomics, molecular biology, etc. in the list of core facilities listed in the table above.
To learn about opportunities to support “omics” data collection and analysis, click below and choose the second option, ‘Bioinformatics Technology Access Grant’.