Statewide Idaho INBRE Bioinformatics Core Mini-Grant Program

The Biomolecular Research Center, on behalf of the Idaho INBRE Program, is pleased to issue this request for proposals. The goal of the Idaho INBRE Bioinformatics Core is to support data collection, bioinformatics training, and assist INBRE network faculty, students and staff in “big- data” analysis. Through a competitive application process, mini-grants will be made available to assist investigators and students around the state in technology access to meet the needs of a wide variety of projects. Typically, support from these mini-grants will be aimed at paying service charges at core facilities throughout Idaho and other INBRE states. The mini-grants may be used to pay for such things as bioinformatics consulting (e.g. at UI IBEST), or proteomics analysis (at the BRC proteomics facility), or nucleic acid sequencing (at ISU or UI cores). The awards are not limited to the examples listed previously. Dr. Ken Cornell, Director of the Idaho INBRE Bioinformatics Core, is available to discuss potential projects if you have questions about their scope and eligibility for support under the umbrella of “technology access” (contact info below).

Eligibility: Faculty members with an appointment at one of the Idaho INBRE partner institutions (BSU, BYU-I, COI, CSI, CWI, ISU, IVREF, LCSC, NIC, NNU, UI), and who are working onbiomedical-related research projects who need bioinformatics (such as DNA/RNA sequencing, proteomics/metabolomics, advanced imaging, etc.) are eligible to apply. PI’s should indicate how mini-grant results will be used to support planned grant applications and publications. Postdoctoral fellows and graduate students of eligible PI’s are also eligible to apply, but must include a brief letter of support from the PI/mentor.

Reporting Requirements: A brief one-page summary of major findings will be required at the end of the project. As a follow up to mini grant funding, you will be asked to report annually on subsequent grant applications, conference presentations, talks, and manuscripts that were impacted or stimulated by the mini grant funding. Please acknowledge the Idaho INBRE program (P20 GM103408) in all grant proposals, presentations, and publications that benefited in part from mini grant funding. Also acknowledge any core facilities that provided data or data analysis.

Research Compliance: All proposed research must be in compliance with university policies and governmental regulations. As such, if the project requires IRB, Biosafety or IACUC approval, these should be in place at the time of the award. Such approvals are NOT required at time of mini-grant application submission. Note, the project cycle is accelerated this year, if compliance requirements are not in place at the time of award, then the project will be considered for the Spring 2018 application cycle. NIH grants policies as described in the NIH Grants Policy Statement will apply to the applications submitted and awards made in response to this FOA.

Application Submission & Requirements:

  1. Please click on the “Applications” button below to begin the online application. The application is also found on the BRC website:
  2. Attach a Project Proposal (1-2 page) as a single PDF document.
  3. The Project Proposal should include the following:
      1. I. Project title
      1. II. Brief project description (no more than 1 page)[if relevant include the specific number of samples that need to be analyzed]
      1. III. Core facility use and location (projected)
      1. IV. Initial estimate of cost (ie for the core resources per sample, etc)
      1. V. A brief statement of the status of required assurances and approvals (if relevant)
      1. VI. Projected timeline
               VII. Brief statement of plans for grant submission/publication arising from the mini grant

Selection Criteria and Review Process:

  1. Only complete applications will be considered.
  2. All eligible applications will be reviewed by the Bioinformatics Advisory Committee (BAC).
  3. For this round, the selection criteria will be based on:
      1. I. Scientific merit and readiness
      1. II. Feasibility of the project being complete and used in an upcoming publication or grant application
      1. III. Availability of core resources to complete the project in a timely manner
  4. Upon selection, the applicant will be notified by the BAC. The BAC will then work with the investigator to finalize project plans and assist in access to core facilities.

Allowable costs under this award: For this round, mini-grant funds must be expended by January 31, 2018. No carry-forward will be allowed. We anticipate making 4-5 awards of $3-5K (based on funding availability). Smaller (and larger) awards will be considered depending on the availability of funds. Awarded funds will be used to directly pay core facility or project resource charges (no subawards will be made).

Deadlines & Notification: The deadline for applications this cycle is September 30, 2017. Notice of grant award will be made by October 9, 2017.

Contact:Questions or concerns regarding this RFA should be directed to:
Ken Cornell, Ph.D.
Director, Idaho INBRE Bioinformatics Core
Boise State University

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