What’s the process?
To begin the grant process, Investigators are asked to submit a two-paragraph “Letter of intent” summarizing the proposed pilot project. Based on the Letters of Intent, the eScience/ITHS Pilot Review Committee will prioritize the projects and invite grant applications from those most meritorious. Letters of Intent should contain a summary of the following items:
- Brief overview of specific aims
- Summary of proposed research design/approach
- What is innovative/translational about this project
- Expected significance of the project for the eScience/Big Data community
Each letter of intent should contain the names and affiliations of the collaborators, a one to two paragraph description of the proposed research, and a budget sketch. In the event that an ITHS community member or eScience community member has a proposal but no collaborator, the letter should state this clearly and the summary will be used by the review committee to suggest potential collaborators for the final full proposal. Full proposals will not be accepted for consideration without a completed letter of intent. You are encourage to submit your Letters of Intent early as possible as these letters will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. Letters of Intent will be received via email in a Word document or PDF format: ithsapps@uw.edu
Am I eligible to apply?
Investigators in the Puget Sound and WWAMI regions are eligible to apply though at least one collaborator must be from the University of Washington. Individuals who have been funded as Principal Investigator (PI) on one of the ITHS pilot grants within the past two years are not eligible to submit a new application as PI. Eligible PIs are those with PI status from their respective home department. All faculty members (or those with equivalent titles) are eligible to apply for ITHS pilot funding and awards. Specifically, any Principal Investigator (PI) must hold one of the following academic titles):
- Professor
- Research Professor
- Associate Professor
- Research Associate Professor
- Assistant Professor
- Research Assistant Professor
- Instructor
- Lecturer
- Research Scientist (if you are allowed to be the PI on a NIH grant)
The following academic titles are eligible to submit an application by exception:
- Acting
- Affiliate
- Clinical
- Emeritus
- Senior Fellow – with pending faculty appointment
In this case, the application must include an original letter of support from their Department Chair or Dean.
ITHS Membership
If you have not already done so, you must join the ITHS prior to submitting the application. Please become a member (it is free to join). Applications from non-members will not be reviewed.
Translational or Clinical Research requirement
The proposed research MUST be readily identifiable as addressing issues in either translational or clinical research and must involve a clear application of data-intensive tools and techniques, including but not limited to scalable machine learning algorithms and systems, scalable SQL or NoSQL databases, data-intensive cloud services, advanced visualization, graph databases, or other tools and techniques associated with large-scale data management and analytics. It will be the responsibility of the PI to demonstrate the innovative aspects of the research and its potential for further extramural funding.
What is translational research?
Learn more at http://www.iths.org/funding/definitions
Other questions?
Contact Kathy Long at ithsapps@uw.edu