The Idaho INBRE Program invites University of Idaho faculty to submit applications for access grants to the Mass-Spectrometry Core.
The application should include:
- Abstract/summary of research containing a statement as to how the proposed research is related to human health and ‘cell signaling’, the scientific theme of INBRE (250 word maximum).
- If applicable, evidence of compliance with necessary university and NIH regulations concerning research on Human Subjects, Animal Care and Use, or recombinant or infectious biological agents.
- A budget limited to $1,000 that includes a description of the specific services to be obtained. The budget must include official quotes generated by the core facility director. Only costs incurred by the Core Facilities may be included. All other costs (i.e., sample collection, extraction, and purification) are to be borne solely by the investigator (limit one page).
Recipients must cite the Idaho INBRE Grant (directions can be found here) on all publications and presentations that result from the Mass-Spec use. If you would like to apply, please email with the information outlined above.
This opportunity is made possible by an Institutional Development Award (IDeA) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Grant #P20GM103408.