New Mexico INBRE and the National Center for Genome Resources are offering an intensive bioinformatics training course in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Where: The National Center for Genome Resources (NCGR), Santa Fe, NM
When: July 1 – 26, 2019
Audience: This program is geared towards training biologists (undergraduates, graduates and researchers) with minimal or no bioinformatics experience. Space is limited.
Background: The main goal of this bioinformatics course is to introduce various tools and methods to analyze next generation data to the enrolled participants. With the explosion in data generation, it is imperative to utilize effective bioinformatics techniques in the UNIX platform and expose students to the approaches currently used to tackle data of this scale.
Objectives: During the course of the internship, students will acquire the skillset to independently analyze their own dataset. They will firstly be introduced to fundamentals of UNIX followed by in-depth concepts, workflows and most current tools used for analysis. This course is geared towards training biologists and the lectures are tailored for biologists.
Planned topics:
- Assembly methods with QC, assembly generation with short and long read, hybrid assemblies and transcriptome assemblies
- DNA-Seq variant calling analysis with alignment, variant calling, and variant filtering.
- RNA-seq and differential gene expression analysis including QC, alignments, read count generation and differential gene expression analysis. Post DE analysis, pathway analysis will be taught.
- Metagenomics topics that include analysis of both 16S (community analysis) as well as whole genome metagenomics.
- Visualization session will cover generation of simple graphs using R and browsing through genome browsers such as IGV.
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