INBRE Equipment List
In order to facilitate research in the state of Idaho, the INBRE Program is in the process of preparing a comprehensive list of equipment that is available for use in your research. The list will include the equipment, institution and contact person. If you have equipment available for use by Idaho Researchers, please send information to the Idaho INBRE Program at
Boise State University
Accuri C6 Four-Color Flow Cytometer
BioTek Microplate Washer
Eppendorf Vacufuge Concentrator 5301
Kodak IS4000R Image Station
LCQ DECA XP Plus Mass Spectrometer
Leica CM1950 OUVVM Cryostat
College of Southern Idaho
Eppendorf Centrifuge 5424
Fotodyne Foto Phoresis Gel Doc
Laptop Cart x 3
Night Scout Binoculars
Olympus Fluorescent Miscroscop x 2
Socket VOC Meter
Trinoc Dissecting Scope
Lewis-Clark State College
Acculab Sartorius Balance
Agilent Technologies 1120 Compact LC
Caron Refrigerated CO2 Incubator
Dissection Table
Fisher Scientific ISOTemp 105
Frigidaire Refrigerator
Hewlett Packard 5890 Series II Gas Chromotagraph
IEC MediSpin
Model 20GC Lab Oven
New Brunswick Excella E24 Incubator
New Brunswick Innova 42 Incubator Shaker
New Brunswick Scientific UltraLow 4410 Freezer
Nicolet IR100 Thermo FTIR
Nuaire BioSafety Cabinet Percival Growth Chamber
Perkin Elmer LS55 Fluorescence Spectrometer
Shimadzu GC-17A Gas Chromatograph
Shimadzu SPD-10A
Sorvall RC6
Stuart Polarimeter
Thermo Genesys 10uv
Thermo Spectronic 20D
Thomas Cain Smart Block
Tri Tech Research DigiTherm
uQuant Microplate
Varian EM360L NMR Spectrometer
VirTis Benchtop SLC Lyophitizer
University of Idaho
FACSAria Flow Cytometer
Leica Fluorescent Stereoscope
Nikon 80i Upright Fluorescent Microscope
Nikon Eclipse E1000
Nikon TE300 Inverted Fluorescent Microscope
Olympus Fluoview 1000 Multiphoton-Confocal Microscope
Xenogen IVIS 200 Live Imaging System
Zeiss Axiophot Fluorescent Microscope
Zeiss PALM Laser Microdissection
Zeiss PASCAL Confocal Microscope
Brigham Young University- Idaho
BioRad VersaFluor Fluorometer
Harvard Apparatus NANOMite Syringe Pump
Matrix Isofluorine System
Midmark Ultraclave
Olympus CKX41 Inverted Microscope
Idaho State University
Applied Biosystem 3010 Genetic Analyzer
BioRad Personal Molecular Imager
BioRad VersaDoc Imaging System
FACS Calibur
Hemco Bench
Jouan Tabletop Centrifuge
NUAIRE Laminar Flow Hood
Scientific Industries Vortex Genie 2
North Idaho College
Corning Stir Plate
Mettler Toledo Analytical Balance
Precision Water Bath
Reichert Colony Counter
UVP MultiDoc-It
Vernier Labquest
Northwest Nazarene University
Beckman Centrifuge
Chromotography Fridge #1
Chromotography Fridge #2
Fisher Microfuge
Fluorescent Scope
Fume Hood
HP Computer
HP Spectrophotometer
Leica Inverted Microscope
Shaking Incubator #1
Shaking Incubator #2
Tabletop Centrifuge
Thermo Thermal Cycler
The College of Idaho
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
Beckman L8-80M Ultracentrifuge
Biorad Benchmark Microplate Reader
BioRad ChemiDoc
BioRad Mini Protein TetraGel Boxes
Biorad myiQ Real-Time PCR
Boekel Jitterbug Shaker
Eppendorf 5417R Refrigerated Centrifuge
Eppendorf Mictrofuge
Eppendorf Realplex2 Gradient Mastercycler
Eppendorf Thermostate Plus
Eppendorf Vapo Protect Mastercycler
Fisher Safe Aire Lab Safety Cabinet
Fluorometer BioTek Synergy
Fraction Collector and HPLC-Varian
Lab Line CO2 Incubators
Mettler Toledo Balance
Nano Drop ND1000 Spectrophotometer
Nikon Eclipse TS100 Inverted Scope
pH Meter and stir plate
Rainin Electronic Pipettors
White Box
Zymark Evaporator