Regional Alliance of INBRE Networks (RAIN) Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)

The purpose of the RAIN FOA is to stimulate collaborative, biomedical research between two researchers in two Western IDeA states of Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, and Wyoming․ The goal of RAIN is to increase interdisciplinary research collaborations among faculty and broaden research and education opportunities for students․

The research projects are intended to:

  1. Stimulate interstate collaborative research between Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, and Wyoming․
  2. Stimulate research collaborations with outcomes that include competitive research approaches, scientific publications, and successful proposals for non-IDeA federal funding․
  3. Investigators are encouraged to take advantage of INBRE Core resources and to include student researchers where appropriate․

Pre-proposal link:

  • Users will need to create a login/password. Only one user (per collaboration) should enter information in the online application system.

Pre-proposals due: 10/1/2020 (300 word abstract and both investigators’ contact information required for pre-proposal submission)

Earliest Start date: 5/1/2021

Award Budget:  Up to $20,000 in direct costs, per investigator/project, per state․

Award Period: Projects will be approved for a two-year period. Award budget is limited to a max of $20,000 directs/investigator over the two year period.

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