- Name: Anamaria Zavala, Ph.D.
- Institution: Boise State University
- Department: Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering
- Phone: 208-249-2519
- Email: anamariazavala@boisestate.edu
Summary: Our research studies how the DNA damage response is affected by mechanical challenges. The goal of this project is to develop a protocol to enhance repair and survival of healthy cells during cancer treatment using an exercise analog. The long-term goal of this research is to develop passive mechanical stimulation as a means to reduce the debilitating side effects of chemotherapeutic regimens.
Minimum Courses: N/A
Projects: We will look at how mechanical challenge mediates chemotherapy-associated DNA damage removal. The project will use many techniques including tissue culture, immunofluorescence microscopy, confocal microscopy, slot blot assays, qPCR, and immunoprecipitation.