- Name: Andreas E. Vasdekis, Ph.D.
- Institution: University of Idaho
- Department: Physics
- Phone: 208-885-6099
- Email: andreasv@uidaho.edu
- Website: http://www.uidaho.edu/sci/physics/faculty/andreas-vasdekis
Summary: Our research delves into cellular metabolism, with an emphasis on yeast and bacteria. To achieve this, we harness the rapidly advancing field of “single-cell analysis.” Within this framework, we investigate the origins and consequences of met-abolic differences that naturally occur between cells, even if these cells are genetically identical and grow under the same conditions. Our methodology draws upon tools, such as microfluidics and optical microscopy, enabling us to unmask the intricacies of these cell-to-cell metabolic differences.
Minimum Classes: None required; basic physics, biology, or chemistry is preferred.
Projects: Together with the INBRE fellow, we will work to identify an appropriate project based on the fellow’s needs, interests, and experience. These projects will harness a variety of techniques, such as cell-culturing, cell staining, optical microscopy, and microfabrication. Tentative projects will be based on our recent work on microbial growth, antibiotic response, and lipid metabolism. For those fellows seeking a more exploratory experience, we can venture into realms like optical microscopy and microfluidics. Our laboratory’s aim is to provide an environment, where the fellow can engage in meaningful research that aligns with their aspirations and pushes the boundaries of scientific inquiry.