- Name: Olya Mass, Ph.D.
- Institution: Boise State University
- Department: Micron School of Materials Science and Engineering
- Phone: (208) 426-5600
- Email: olgamass@boisestate.edu
- Website: https://www.boisestate.edu/qdna/
(1) Organic synthesis of novel dyes commonly referred to as “the colors of life” (chlorophyll- and heme-type molecules) to create new materials for medicine and molecular quantum computing.
(2) Dye – DNA interactions.
(3) DNA-templated reactions.
Minimum Courses: N/A
(1) development of the fluorogenic reaction (a reaction that turns a non-fluorescent substrate into a fluorescent product) for DNA detection in biological fluids.
(2) study binding modes of chlorophyll-like molecules to DNA. Students will gain experience in modern organic synthetic chemistry, spectroscopy (absorption, fluorescence, and circular dichroism), scientific hypothesis-making and testing, data analysis and interpretation, and scientific writing.